(no subject)

Mar 04, 2008 22:12

Mark and I are going through some kind of Age Crisis. He's turning 30 this Saturday and I'll be 25 in April. We've talked a lot about where we wanted to be by now verses where we are including what we want for the years to come.

He's panicing about a career and is now looking for a career-type job, and I'm panicing about things I wish I had by now like a car and when the hell am I going to have babies/be able to afford them! And the fact that I will never be able to afford a house in Edmonton (40 year mortgage? no thanks!)

Good times... good times.

Sometimes I think it would be easier to just live at home and not have these problems, but I am always reminded why my life now is so much better than it was when I lived free of responsibility. Not to mention I wouldn't be able to handle drinking as much as I did then, now. Phew.
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