Jun 26, 2005 21:29
So I went to Walmart yesterday with my mother. She dropped me off and went to go park the car. I went (well, actually I "crutched") my way into the store and up to the customer service desk. I asked if they had any wheelchairs that I could use and the man brought me over to one of the motorized carts that they have. Now, I KNOW that you all know the carts I'm talking about... the ones that you usually see people who are 500+ pounds driving around. It was QUITE an experience motoring around Walmart in one of those carts. I decided that since I was in Wally-World, I would do as the natives do... and I acted as ignorant as I possibly could. I plowed people down in the aisles (their own fault for not staying on their designated side of the aisle), stopped in the middle of busy walkways, and pretended I was the only person in the entire store. It was very amusing. My mother spent the entire time pretending she didn't know who I was. So I would yell, "hey mama?? don't daddy need some of this here cream?" just to humiliate her some more. Good times!