We call this brown trouser time.
Panic? Panic! Why would I have a need to panic? I'm only trapped down here with the only way I know of escape cut off by...well...a metric shit ton of Blood Apes! I don't know what they're doing here but it's obviously big. Of course right now I'm also only going on instinct that the "unwanted guests" are my companions. At this point, though, I don't care if it's the legion, I want out of this place! The trouble began not long after I had told my lie to the elder. He seemed ready to accept it, or was hoping I would slip up and give him a way to try and convert me. Either way, I heard the start of a commotion outside and suggested that the old man might want to see about that. He told me arrangments had been made and, naturally, I asked to see them. Seeing one Blood Ape isn't a big shock. They're weak, as far as demon's go, and even my kind is able to handle one or two on our own. When the old man explained that this was just part of the defense, I started to feel a little worried. I realized then that I didn't care who was coming down, I was getting out and I was getting out now. Of course, my escape might have been a bit more elegant if I had actually used my martial arts classes to my advantage, instead of using them to look at the Ragara's cute butt! Escape, however, became a lot more complicated when I found out that the door was locked from the outside, and that the Blood Ape was after me. I guess friends had been conjured after my escape.
It was drilled into me never to take something from a Yozi cult, but I think in the case at bar--me, alone, weaponless and with no escape route--I can be completly forgiven for taking the sword I found in the Elder's room. After all, I can leave it behind when I'm done, right? In any case, once I was armed I made getting out and getting to the altar room my first priority. I took a guess that there were other exits and was rewarded...sorta. There was a secret door hidden behind a tapestry. I got in, only half realizing what a stupid idea that was and only half caring. The first thing I met in this place were two statues that I took for real for a moment. A snake headed man and a man headed snake. Once I realized they were statues, I continued deeper and found...actually I have very little idea what I found. It was a round room with shadows that seemed to gather themselves together, or so it looked. In the middle, however, was a chalice filled with something green. And of course it was at this moment that I forgot any possibility of what it could be. That it had to do with Malfeas was obvious from the chalice. Demon's possessing babies...ugh...I felt a little sick. I took it from its place, hoping that I would find some clue later that would let me destroy it. If not, maybe it will be a good bargining tool to get out of here. I was about to leave the room when I got a look at the thing across from the chalice. It was, at one point, a man. He was pinned to the wall with soulsteel spikes, naked, and obviously dead. There was a hole where his heart should be. I knew what this was, though I had only read about it. This was a tool to communicate directly with Malfeans! It was at that point that I realized this was much bigger than some little cell that played with Yozis. I shuddered as I remembered he said he had connections to the Ledaal and V'neef Houses. I don't want to my kind in charge anymore, but I want Malfeans in charge even less. If he was telling the truth I must tell someone. Soon.
I need to find the others. I need to get them to where I am. I need to send them a Message, but if it's not them coming after me as I think it is, they will not be able to help and I will be no better than a mortal when they find me. At this point a single poem runs through my head over and over again: "...When the senses are shaken and the soul is driven to madness, who can stand? When the souls of the oppressed fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?...Oh who can stand? Oh who hath caused this? The Kings and the Nobles of the land have done it, hear it not heaven, thy ministers have done it!" *
segments from William Blake's poem "Lullaby"