Nov 20, 2006 22:47
Just a little over a month ago, Mark and I celebrated a year together. I'm so happy about that - having spent a year with him, making it past that mark, feeling lucky to still be able to go out with him, and wake up to him, and play MarioKart and Rack-O with him.
One year is also a big deal for me because it feels like a statement to a lot of people. To Beth, who called me dirty almost a year ago, and spread some of the most vile gossip around about me, because of mistakes I've made in my past. To one of Mark's roommates, for warning him to be careful, because I was a girl you only fucked, not dated. To all the stupid jerks in my life who refused to respect Mark and our relationship and insisted on still hitting on me, because maybe I was the type of girl who would be susceptible to it. There are a lot of people that have said a lot of cruel things to me and about me to other people, because of the sex I've had, because of my cheating on Rusty, because of a number of things. I've never felt the need to apologize to the mob of voices chit-chatting about my reputation, because I've apologized to the people that mattered. And now I'm content with where I am.
So this post if for me and for you - a little gloating about the happiness I have right now, and the man I get to be with, and a little bitterness I can let go of because I don't have to care anymore - I am finally past the close-minded bullshit, and it feels good.