Mar 24, 2005 23:04
What is your full name: Amari Joia Coombs
Spell your first name backwards: Irama
Date of birth: July 18th, 1983
Pets: Mango (male orange cat)
Wearing: peach cloth pants, white shirt, cute socks
Hearing: not much
Feeling: excited
Have you ever been in love: yes
How many people have you said I love you to: one (in the non-family way)
How many people have you been in REAL love with: I believe there are diff. kinds/levels of love, so tricky question.
How many people have you kissed: haha
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: haha
How many people have you dated: is this starting from preschool? and what is the def. of date, bc this sounds like too complicated a question for me.
What do you look for in a guy/girl: i like a front, center stage, confident good looking type with ambitions
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: hair/smile/personality
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: see above
Do you have a crush right now: ...
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes, but a fickle love only
Do you remember your first love: maybe?
Who is the first person you kissed: probably Chai in preschool
How many siblings do you have: 1
How many siblings does your mother have: wow, tricky question. um, a half-brother, a step-sister, a step-step-sister, and multiple half-brothers/sisters that we don't know about, oh ya and def. one half-sister that is a year older than me
How many siblings does your father have: 4
Is your family close: in its' own separate units yes
Does your family get together for holidays: yes, xmas!!!!!!!!!, and thanksgiving, and sometimes others
Do you have a drunk uncle: a drunk aunt more likely, or drunk dad. i think my dad is the drunk uncle.
Any medical problems run through your family: addictions, alcoholism, allergies, depression, anxiety, etc.
Do you have any nieces or nephews: ha, no
Are your parents divorced: yes
Do you have step parents: yes, and a couple ex-step parents too
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: yes my mother
Did some of your family come to America from another country: probably
What song do you swear was written about you or your life: ?
What's the best cd you own: i'm a music student, that's way too hard a question
Do you sing in the shower: all the time, i may dance too if i'm feeling really great, and stretch, and talk out loud
What song reminds you of that special someone: too many of them, songs, i mean songs!
Color: green
Food: mmm, too many choices
Song: grrr
School subject: i like many
Band/singer/artist: this is annoying. the only favorite i truly have is color, and even then i like all the other colors.
Animal: cat
Outfit: ?
Radio station: they all suck right now. caught me at a bad time with them.
Movie: too hard
Pair of shoes: my new pumas:), or my new black shoes:), or my new danskos:)
Cartoon: family guy all the way
Actor: blech
Actress: double blech
Potato chip: jalapeno!
Drink: thai iced tea, black and tan
Soda: coke
Holiday: Christmas for ever and ever
Perfume/cologne: ?
Pizza topping: ?
Video game: super mario brothers or something old school like that.
Book: ?
Disney character: ?
Thing to do on the weekend: movies:):), drink, sleep, cram on last minute homework, shop
Season: all of them, the beginning of each
What color are your sheets: yellow. and i'm not happy with that at all!
What color are your bedroom walls: white, also not pumped about that.
Do you have posters on your wall: nice framed collages of friends/family that my grandma made for me
If so of what: (above)
Do you have a tv in your bedroom: no, i actually don't watch a lot of tv, unless i'm trying to be brain dead
How many pillows are on your bed: only 1 here:(, but at least 3 at school i think
What do you normally sleep in: tshirt and comfy pants
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: all of them! i love them! but not nightgowns bc you get tangled.
Describe the last nightmare you had: i had one last night, but i can't remember it. it was a bad one though.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: often times
Do you snore: once in a while so i've been told. lately people have been complaining of me grinding my teeth.
What's under your bed: stuff i don't feel like dealing with.
Doughnuts/bagels: bagels (hate donuts)
Day/night: day. i like the sun.
Make love/have sex: both
Coffee/tea: tea, can't handle the caffeine. otherwise i'd drink it like candy.
Hamburgers/hotdogs: VEGGIE hotdogs
Silver/gold: usually silver, but lakely gold. like my pumas:)
McDonalds/Taco Bell: taco bell!
Punk/emo: punk!
Meat/vegetables: veggies!
Mexican food/chinese food: both
Unicorns/fairies: both
Water/land: both
Black/white: both, i love both together
Chicken/beef: chicken!
Hip/hop: probably hop fits me better
What Is Your Opinion Of The Following:
Virgins: many around
God: he's an okay guy
Emo music: hahahah
Homosexuals: merely a sexual preference
Inter-racial relationships: hot
Pre-marital sex: fun
Pornography: fun
Fortune Tellers: entertaining
Threesomes: ...
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
Jack: and jill
Tiffany: breakfast at tiffany's, that dumb song, and jewelry
Ben: ben mann, ben mansavage, and ben savage
Nicole: the opera singer at school?
Adam: my cousin that is my age
Arnold: haha, dork. oh, or the governator. my tshirt. :)
Tom: a couple people maybe
Charlotte: good friend growing up and the french violinist
John: well i just talked to john miller today, so right now that would be him
Billy: budd
Nick: haha, SCROTUMMMMM!!!!!!!!
Taylor: ?
Have You Ever....
Been to a foreign country: austria, switzerland, germany, italy, greece, turkey, mexico, costa rica
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no
Got in a fight: yes
Dated a teacher: haha, no
Thought about killing your enemy: maybe a safe fantasy
Met another LJ member in the flesh: not bc of this
Stolen anything: yes
Been on TV: probably
Been on the radio: probably
Been in a mosh pit: yes
Been to a concert: yes
Broken the law: yes!
Been on an airplane: yes, way too many times. and i will be on saturday again.
Got to ride on a firetruck: i don't think so, actually maybe
Came close to dying: probably, i was a crazy kid
Made a mud pie: probably
Felt like you didn't belong: definitely
Felt like the 3rd wheel: yes
Smoked: yes
Done drugs: yes
Had your tonsils removed: no
Written a love letter: um, love notes maybe?
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: yes
Written a love poem: haha, silly ones:)
Kissed in the rain: ya i think so
Participated in an orgy: hhaa
Faked an orgasm: haahah (not for years, wink)
Stolen a kiss: huh
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: if you count junior high love then yes, and yes since then
Got perfect attendance in grade school: hahaha, me? never. this last term was the first time ever.
Roasted pumpkin seeds: yes
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: yes, barbies, but i preferred my little ponies
Did you play Simon Says: yes
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: no, but i was still scared
Did you go to the circus: yes
Did you go to the zoo: yes
Did you think slinkies were cool: still do!
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: no
Were you afraid of the dark: yes, still am:)
Name three things that are next to your computer: another computer, a wireless mouse, a keyboard
Do you have any hidden talents: i'm good at knee wars. in fact. i rule at them. i beat 3 adults gaining up on me.
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: a comedy
What would your movie star name be: my regular name. haha, or munch
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: i don't know
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: hmmm
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: how bout dante's peak
Do you think your good looking: i don't know
Do you believe in God: yes, in some way/shape/form, i don't know
Do you believe in Satan: no
Do you believe there is a heaven: a kind of heaven, yes
Do you believe there is a hell: no, maybe a lesser heaven
Do you like chocolate: yes
Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: lake tahoe i believe
Best Halloween costume you ever wore: i had many good ones. i like my mullet from this year, or being princess rainbow, or a pink unicorn, or a pink bunny, or a black and white kitty, etc.
Do you carry any weapons on you: me? god no
How many kids do you want to have: many!
Future daughters name: something creative
Future sons name: something semi-normal
What is your ideal way to die: watch the notebook
Do you tan easily: no, but i'm fairly tan right now, thank you costa rica
worst feeling in the world?: throwing up/nausea/vertigo
Best feeling in the world: delight in the world/people