Dec 18, 2006 16:34
Well, I have finished my holiday project for my dear husband...
I really hope he likes it. I don't want to say too much about it, since he does read my LJ.
This weekend was pretty fun - for the first time in a long while we actually did stuff! On Friday evening we went to go visit my husband's friend (and assorted family) - they have a little boy who is about 4 months younger than Pan. They had tons of fun playing with all of his toys. That was the night the snow started...
And it snowed all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. Brrrr, it's cold here.
Saturday morning I had choir rehersal, and then that evening was my husband's little brother's birthday party - since his parents were gone, we got to be chaperone for a group of 15/16 year old drama kids.
I really am still a teenager inside - the kids didn't even notice I wasn't their age (but one of them thought Matt was 32). It was a good bunch of kids. Matt and I helped make the finger foods - we had 2 things that were really good (I don't know what they're called, though!).
One dish was tiny dill pickles rolled in cream cheese, rolled in sliced turkey. Those were SO GOOD. The other dish was olives stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in cream cheese, then rolled in crushed almonds. Mmmmm.
I also discovered that I really like Silk's soy nog. Real egg nog always gives me the creeps because of the texture, but the soy stuff was really really good.
Sunday was church, and then my choir's evening concert. We did really well, though the sound techs made the mics squeal a couple times during our first song (never mind the fact that we'd been warming up for an hour before the concert. Oh well!). For the first time ever, someone besides my husband came to see me sing - my friend (ex-step-mother) Natalja. It was a pleasant surprise to see her afterwards - I've pretty much quit inviting people to my concerts, because they never make it. I just mentioned it to her in passing, and she came! I swear, I forgot how nice it was to know that someone cares about you and your talents.
And then today - I found out that the gift I wanted to do for Matt had to be ordered today by 4 PST for it to get here by Christmas... So all morning and afternoon I worked on it to get the finishing touches done on it, then I sent off the order just in time.
soy nog,