
Nov 01, 2006 09:52

So Pan did NOT want to do trick or treating. He didn't want to get in his costume, because he thought the red jammies meant bedtime. Once we told him it was going to be an outing, and he'd get to wear his flashy shoes, then he let us dress him. But then he didn't want to leave without Daddy (who was going to stay behind to pass out candy). Once we got outside, he wanted to get in the car, not walk to the neighbor's house. He flopped on the ground. Rolled around. Screamed, and screamed some more. Daddy came outside to help. Pan screamed more. We gave up and took him inside, which caused him to scream yet still more. Matt stripped him of his shoes, which prompted more flailing and screaming. At some point Pan gave himself a bloody nose, which thankfully ended quickly and didn't get all over everything. Eventually he drank a cup of milk which got him to calm down enough to stop screaming. He went to bed at a quarter to 7.

Tink was a trooper - she just wanted to go for a walk, and kept crying when Pan wouldn't stop screaming. I guess she thought he was hurt, or something.

My little sister mentioned that this sort of thing would make a good advertisement for lifelong celibacy. I agree.

Luckily Pan is in a better mood today.

Also, I had a dream about my teeth crumbling, and I accidentally swallowed the pieces. What on earth does that mean?

We're all still sick, but starting to feel better.

NaNoWriMo this month!

Is there any way I could put this:

into my LJ sidebar? Or maybe I should look at using Vox to post my chapters, and see if I can put it over there. I just don't want to have to post it at the end of all my posts, since it will update every time I upload what I've written to the NaNo site. It will always look the same.

Well, should I post NaNo stuff here, or on Vox? Do you want to see it in your f-list?

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.


The Northeast

The West

The Inland North

The South

North Central

What American accent do you have?

memes, halloween, nanowrimo, family, tantrum from hell

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