Aug 24, 2006 09:00
I hope I'm not being premature, but I'm pretty sure the kids are better... Pan is back to his typical michief making mayhem, and Tink hasn't barfed since the night before last. Both are eating normally, and they seem pretty chipper.
I finally called the endo about my worsening symptoms, so I was told to go for another blood draw to check my levels again, to determine whether meds would help me now, and which ones. Whooppee. Luckily they got my blood in one poke this time.
Also, now is the time to start planning for Halloween - Matt and I are going to rock it as Rogue and Wolverine - but I'm having a tougher time trying to think of what the kids should be - I could go the lazy route and let Pan get an Elmo costume, and then put Tink in Pan's old pumpkin costume, or we can do something so the kids match, or we can make the kids be superheroes too (but if so, who??).
health and body,