Red vs. Blue FUN!

Aug 16, 2006 22:15

Had SO SO SO much fun this weekend! I'm so glad I got to meet everyone, I think I fell in love with everyone I met (especially the gals)! In true Gee fashion, all the gals get a huge teeheehee! Bri & I had a few very long and deep conversations, sorta secret-telling in a way. Not that we had secrets to tell, but just things about our pasts that we hadn't discussed before. We were very close and connected before, but I somehow feel even closer and more connected. It's like we know what we've both been through now, the hell we've each been dragged through, and have managed to overcome it. I truely have a new appreciation of everything he went through, as well as a new respect for myself and what I overcame. I love him more and more everyday, I could about burst with it.

TOTAL TANGENT! Yep, that was not on my list of things to talk about this journal. hehe, meh, oh well. RIGHT, back to the pics I was planning on posting. Only a few for now, I'm still working on loading them all to my photobucket. I unfortunately didn't get as many pics as I thought, and definitely not as many as I wanted. I forgot to download the Missouri trip pics off my camera before going to RvBTO, so my memcard filled up fast. Anyhow, here's a few.

bri driving home from Missouri... I just love this pic, hehe. I just find it amazingly sexy for some reason.

bri & Jamie with their Batman keychains

I look horribly awful in this pic but I was major drunk and trying not to fall off the chair, lol. Me, Lou, Gee, and I don't know who this guy is.

bri, Jonathan, & I. Must say how awesome J is, an excellent guide, great to talk to, and has the BEST birthday in the whole world! (same as mine!)

Me, Tex, and bri @ the bar Saturday. It was so awesome meeting her, Dan, & Nico.

And finally a pic of bri & I together. This was at the bar Friday after the LAN party, and I was just this side of drunk.

Alrighty, well, I'll be adding more later, I'm sure. As for now, my son has spent too much time playing with the bubbles in the bathtub. I must go get him washed up and into bed. OH, it was so cute when I got home. I hadn't seen him for over a week cause he'd been up north with my Mom while we did our world travelling. I walked into the door on Monday and he yelled, "MOMMY!" then ran over and jumped into my arms. It was so touching and he didn't want me to put him down at all, I just carried him around for like 10mins. Both bri & I are SURE he's grown a ton over the past week. He's SO much taller than he was and suddenly his shorts don't fit quite right that were a little loose before this trip. *le sigh* Kids just grow up TOO fast!

(X-posted at


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