(post may contain typos. Grammar Nazis are everywhere, ready to jump on me)
Ok, so I'm new to the LiveJournal community. Hello everyone, I am MarHeavenAngel, you may also know me as Hao-SamaFangirl from Onemanga and DeviantArt, and also under the same name (MarHeavenAngel) on Fanfiction.net. But you can call me Angel, Marmar-chan, or Rin-chan if you perfer! ^_^
Those who know me...know NORMALLY I don't insult people, I never cuss, I usually have self control when it comes to my anger/rage whatever. I normally would never call people stupid, moron, idiot, or retard, EVEN IF THEY ARE (unless you go by the name of Naruto, Ichigo, or Luffy...but I'm getting off topic already! XD) If someone is saying stupid comments, I normally would say, "I'm sorry but that's not correct" or I'll give my two cents on the facts I know. I don't like to insult people...I do my best to not try to piss people off.....but man....even I have my limits. And when someone IS being a moronic troll, an arrogant creep, a flamming butthead, or just an all-around d**che-bag.....even I will let lose and explode on them. Trolls? Don't like the butthurt..then don't try to butthurt logic in my face.
The reason I signed up...is because I was pressured by two certain friends (I'm looking at YOU Lisa and Hikaru-chan!) And also because a certain friend of mine on the IchiRuki forums on Fanfiction, was joking around (basically doing a mock impression of an IchiHime troll) and got confused for a troll. (so I came to her rescue).
But anyways, the main reason I was told to get a LJ, is because certain people love my rants (Still looking at you two! haha!) And demanded I get an LJ immediately. Flattery aside, I don't find my rants THAT epic, (not as epic as Debbie-chan and others here I have read...I am not worthy! D:) But you will hear my voice! I am a loud and proud Texan from the USA!!! >D
And for any of you who don't know me...everyone who does know me...knows that I first and foremost ship IshidaxOrihime in bleach (shocker...and IchiRuki shipper who actually likes IshiHime more than IchiRuki...yes you may all scream WTF if you like)
Also, I take some ships very seriously. (others I just ship for the fun of it, or because its lulzy!
LAWL CRACK SHIP NUT....) yeah...anyways.
I feel the need to rant...again, about something that happened in the Black&White IchiRuki forums on FF.net-this person whose name I will not name, claims to be an unbaised, neutral fan. But they sure spouted alot of BS that sounds an awful lot like an IchiHime Troll. Heck, they "just be trolling"....first off before I go into an indepth rant-I'm going to make a statement here and now, THAT YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON!!!!
"If a certain ship opposes your ship, and you do not like it, hate it, or hate the fandom, THEN DON'T GO to a forum that's basically nothing but a fanclub for that said ship!!! If you favor another pairing over another, and you feel the need to make dumb comments that will only piss off, frustrate, invoke rage, yadda yadda yadda, THEN DON'T GO THERE AND COMMENT!!! Find a more appropriate forum/fanclub/message board where you can comment on your fandom and the opposing fandom. Or a place that allows you to debate and discuss civilally. Jumping on the "enemy" ship and basically "being a stupid troll" is just ASKING for them to shove you in a canon and fire them off their boat!!!"-me
I hate IchiHime...with a passion. But you NEVER see me in an IchiHime lurb forum/message board/fanclub!!! Why? Because I know how annoying people can be, and your enemy fandom coming to YOUR fandom sanctuary IS ANNOYING! I let the IchiHimers ship their ship in peace! If I want to debate with them...fine there are plenty of Bleach forums out there to do that in...but in their own little ship is just plain rude, annoying, immature, and spiteful. I leave the IchiHimes in peace...because....I would want THEM to give me the respect to ship my ships in peace!
First...this is what the obviously crazy Troller said when he/she came into our little IchiRuki haven. (We were basically getting on the subject of why Ichigo and Orihime are horrible for each other...and some time before it, I was going into a little IshiHime fangirl craze ^_^)
Orihime is a better pairing for Aizen or Hirako than Ishida. He already knows how deeply Orihime is in love with Ichigo, and it wouldn't be fair for him to be the second, not when we heard the "Five times" thing. I don't want Orihime alone either, she must end with Ichigo, being bad with Aizen or dead.
Then immediately threw in the "I'm not very literate in english so forgive me" card. I have no problem with people learning english...but after reading ALL of this persons posts on the forum...that hardly justifies anything. (for starters he/she actually WAS pretty good at English) Second...they kept asking for sympathy...-_-
But yeah...AIZEN OR HIRAKO?!?!?! Seriously a guy who only cares Orihime for her boobies, and a villain who is basically Gary Stu-Gone Anti-Christ-with a God complex; sees people as nothing but pawns-uses them and tosses them aside like garbage...BETTER FOR ORIHIME?!?!?! Better than Ishida, who say, cares about Orihime as a person (and not for her body) who NEVER uses her or treats her like worthless bait...Ishida who risks his life for her, protects her, is kind and understanding, and totally selfless....RIGHT CUZ THAT MAKES SENSE!!
Yes Ishida knows Orihime loves Ichigo, doi, so does practically the whole freaking Bleach Universe!!! (minus Rukia and Ichigo...well mainly Ichigo) and as it's been said before=just because a teenage girl claims to love a guy for 5 lifetimes, doesn't mean it will stay that way! SHE'S A TEENAGE GIRL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! How many teenage girls do you know end up marrying their high school crush for time and all eternity?! So far I haven't even met one...No she mustn't end with Ichigo, because Ichigo treats her like a baby kitten always need of saving-she becomes a doormat in his presence, and Ichigo just becomes an annoying retard with a hero-complex more and more with her around.
After me and a few others commented on that ludicrous statement....he/she had this to say....
I didn't say it would be love, I only said that I would like to see those coupples. I like Orihime a lot, and I love Hirako Shinji (the best) it would very funny to see those together. And for Aizen, if he is gonna be the new King of evil, he may need a princess to share his crown with, no one better that Orihime (she already has this halo of princess in distress)
I don't think Ichime is a bad coupple, the fact that IchiRuki is a good coupple /the better for you/ doesn't make the IchiHime bad, Rukia and Orihime are both very worthy of Ichigo. And if Rukia had to wait for Ichigo to complete her love for Kaien, I wanna think that in her lifetimes, Orihime will find her second Ichigo, just like Rukia found her second Kaien-dono.
It is very unffair to take Orihime's feelings like admiration, because we can say the same about Rukia's feeling toward Kaien. Orihime does love Ichigo very much and Ichigo loves Orihime very much too, but he doesn't love her like she does. We can deny the fact that Ichigo and Orihime are more than friends, they are companions in this adventure.
I don't take the IchiRuki and the IchiHime as a war, whatever Kubo choose, I will like it.
If you really DID love Orihime as you CLAIMED you would not ship her with the arrogant smug-god complex Devil and the boob-loving pervert who really only cares about getting his revenge. Yes Shinji is awesome...but for Orihime??? SERIOUSLY?!?!? I stand by the statement-ship whatever you like-but when you start claiming that those crazy ships are BETTER for Orihime than a decent nice guy for her....then we have problems.
IchiHime IS a bad couple. You can ship it ALL you like...but I'm sorry, it's bad because they are BAD FOR EACH OTHER!!! (unless you are one of those crazy few who actually believe Ichizilla on a rampage protecting Princess from evilspada and evil quincy, causing carnage right and left-all for Orihime=TRUE WUB) If you are such fans...then I, nor even God, can help you.(Thank the lord for IchiHime fans who actually believe it-when we say Ichimonster is BAD, stabbing Ishida to protect her is BAD, mutilating your villains when they've already lost-losing your humanity is BAD, and Orihime saying this is all her fault and regretting what has happened and Ichigo ashamed of everything he's done is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD NEGATIVE NOT MEANT FOR EACH OTHER SORRY BUT NO GO!!!!!)
Aizen is the most evil, cruel, unfeeling, arrogant creep in the Bleach Universe, why would you even WANT to put sweet, darling, kind, innocent Orihime with a MONSTER LIKE THAT?!?!?!?! (other than Ichizilla monster=because stabbing nakama and losing your humanity and character development is true wub and not failage)
Worthy has NOTHING to do with love. Besides how does the Lust arc make Orihime worthy anyway?! She betrayed the very reason she went right and left. Her character reslove became putty, she begged for her life to a corpse, instead of trying to protect herself or help Ichigo, she was constantly hesistant-standing in the background and sidelines LETTING HERSELF get rescued.
The Orihime I KNOW AND LOVE actually tries to fight back, the real Orihime that Bleach introduced was a happy, silly, air-headed, pretty, cheerful-but strong-hearted, kind, brave, and understanding girl. She's proven us this in the first two arcs! Sub and SS, Orihime was truly a character to admire. And in HM??? the only time I admired her was when she stood up against Yammy when Chad was down and Tatsuki was unconscious, and when she pimp-slapped Ulquiorra (hurrhurr!
) and when she healed the Loly-skanks er sluts um whores eh...Those two really mean girls! 8D
That moment she put up the sheild in IchivsUlqui ALMOST impressed me...until she basically turned into a stuttering broken record after Ulquiorra asked WHY?!
I love Orihime with all my heart! And it's because that I love her, I want what's best for her! Worthy has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Best for her > Worthy! Simple as that! Ichigo is not what's best for her...Tatsuki even said so at some point (if I could find that page, I'd be glad to show you). Tatsuki has known Ichigo all her life, and Orihime is her best friend. So when she says "Orihime you're too good for him" then OUCH, it probably means Orihime + Ichigo = not tru canonz lub!
Aizen is THE LAST THING ORIHIME NEEDS!!! And Shinji?!? As awesome as he is...Orihime deserves better than to be thrown together with ANY MAN who only likes her for her body! She is not just a pair of boobs that happens to breath! She's a living, breathing, thinking, talking, feeling human being! Ichigo and Orihime aren't more than friends...sorry.
Ichigo called her "nakama" sorry that doesn't make her "more than friends" and despite what IchiHimers claim...."not friendship but not amorous" does not = IchiRuki just friends...since Kubo JUST BASICALLY SAID "MORE THAN FRIENDS but LESS THAN LOVERS" Ichigo and Rukia is a bond you CAN'T LABEL! Morita basically said they are beyond siblings, friends, comrades, partners and LOVERS!!! IchiRuki is beyond ALL! They are a bond you can't put into words!!!
But since you LOVE to talk about worthy??? Fine....Ishida is VERY WORTHY OF ORIHIME'S AFFECTION!!! :P
Worthy =/= canon love meant to be!
Sorry but she DOES have admiration for Ichigo. It isn't true love, because if you read shakespear, romance novels, shoujo, romance couples in shounen, seen movies and tv shows....it would be OBVIOUS Orihime is not "in true love with her Kurosaki-kun" the moment she let him do everything for her, not love. Love makes you want to be a better person, love also stregthens you, you are willing to go out and sacrifice EVERYTHING for the one you love! THAT'S REAL LOVE!!! Orihime has yet to do anything like that for Ichigo...why? Because she's like every normal romantic at heart 15 year old teenage girl. Teenagers are always confused about the changes in their bodies, the hormones, their emotions! EVERYTHING! So it's not hard to figure out that Orihime-like a normal teenager-would confuse attraction, admiration, and a crush for "LUB"
And sorry to burst your bubble, but unless Ichigo starts to show ANY interest in Orihime or if Orihime finally steps up FOR HER LOVE feelings???, it ain't happening. It's not IchiRuki or IchiHime...it's IchiRuki or nothing. Because the only couples that have been in your face-evidence to support it CAN HAPPEN, is IchiRuki (hopefully it'll be IshiHime and IchiRuki...then again...I wouldn't be complaining if UlquiHime happened too! :D) But Lust Arc was basically Kubo was SHOVING IN YOUR FACE kindly letting you know that IchiHime=bad relationship, not healthy, bad for each other, failz.
The fact is the Aizen&Orihime and the Hirako&Orihime do have more canon moments that the Ichiruki. Look at it, Hirako HUGS Orihime when she remembers his name, and she is not unconscious like others ¬¬ and he calls her by her first name with the "chan". As for Aizen, he caressed her lips and told her to wait for him... we all know that when someone is useless to Aizen, he kills him. Yes, yes, I know it is part of the plot, that nor Aizer or Hirako have feelings for Orihime, but I like those coupples because... I like them.
I find the HiraHime funny, and the AizenHime is just it could be nice, something like the story of the Joker and Harley Queen... And Ulqiorra is dead (sad) I dind't like him very much, but his story with Hime was one between Frankestein and Edward Scissorhands, so it was nice how Tite Kubo resolved the sexual tension between the two.
More canon moments than IchiRuki?! Lol, little be troller say WUT?!?! Big whooptie freaking do if Hirako hugs Orihime! So freaking WHAT! That equates to NOTHING! Ichigo rested in Rukia's lap! Ishida held Orihime in SS. Renji held Rukia in SS. Ichigo gives Rukia a piggy back ride! I could keep listing all the other physical human contact people in bleach made...but that'd just be a flipping long list. But going by YOUR logic. Chizuru gropes Orihime on a daily basis.....CHIZUHIME CANON!!!! Keigo Glomps Ichigo ICHIKEI CANON!!!! Mayuri did dirty things to his "daughter" off screen. MAD SCIENCE CRAZY CRAP INCEST CANON FTW LAWL!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Shinji, he calls her by her first name...but guess what.....Orihime and Ichigo don't! OH NO CANON FOR YOU ICHIHIME!!!! SHINHIME CANON...oh wait...she doesn't call him by his first name....OH NEVERMIND NO CANONZ FOR YOU!!! D8 Ichgio and Rukia call each other by their first names-ultra super mega canon!!!!
Aizen also melosted Ichigo's manly man boobs chest-yeah.....AIxICHI YAOI CANON!!!! OMG SO MUCH CANON!!!!!!!!! SO CANONZ THAT YOU CANONZ NOT HANDLE!!!!
*cough* Well...got that out of my system.
IchiRuki don't NEED to touch each other to have a canon moment DURR!!! They have had so many that many hardcore IchiRuki shippers have lost count! IshiHime and UlquiHime have FAR more CANONZ moments that a stupid Lip caress or a "hug". And IshiHime also has far more beautiful, heroic, believably canonz moments than IchiHime. AT LEAST Orihime wasn't a doormatt in any of them! And UlquiHime had more MUTUAL not one-sided CANONZ MOMENTS than IchiHime ever had...(since they never had a "mutual" in the first place)
Oh what next are you going to be trolling us????
I didn't say otherwise. I wanna believe that Ichigo would not choose Rukia over Orihime, or Orihime over Rukia, he is not that type. He cares for both, and love both in different ways.
You can believe what you want...you have the right to do so...but I choose to believe the canon manga and all it's texts and facts and not fanon fangirl/fanboyism. Because sorry....Ichigo DID choose Rukia over Orihime...alot. And the most defining moment he did...was in Orihime's own Rescue arc. "I'm gonna save Rukia!" (ignores Ulquiorra)... And SS arc was ALL about saving Rukia! Orihime never was on his mind once....so....SORRY!!!!
Rukia is his ray of light, she stopped the rain, she's a precious nakama, she changed his world....Orihime....is just nakama....yeah....sorry....Ichigo chose Rukia over Orihime a long time ago.
Orihime and Rukia expect very much of Ichigo, Rukia has Ichigo in her heart, she said so, she has build a image of Ichigo in her heart and she does not expect less from him. Is that a bad thing? Orihime investigates about his past with Tatsuki, And? She is a girl who has a crush on a boy. She isn't peaking on his diary or in his locker... she is just asking a common friend.
Wrong again.
Yes Rukia said she has Ichigo in her heart.
But she expects Ichigo to be HIMSELF! She doesn't expect him to be perfect, she expects him to be the man who he is. She doesn't expect him to win, she expects him to FIGHT TO WIN, she doesn't expect him to be perfect, she expects him to NEVER GIVE UP...she doesn't expect him to save the world, she expects him to BECOME STRONGER SO HE CAN SAVE THOSE HE VALUES MOST!!!!
She expects him to be Ichigo Kurosaki! The man who battled all odds, never yeilding never surrendering, always pushing forward, risking his life, FOR HER IN SS! She doesn't expect him to be Superman, the messiah, the knight in shining armor, the almighty prince...no. She expects him to try his hardest and do his best! She's BELIEVES in that Ichigo, because she KNOWS the kind of man he is, because of the bond they have.
Orihime knows nothing about Ichigo. She never asks him, because they don't have that bond (hence her jealousy) If she needs to know something-yeah she asks Tatsuki who's known him forever...sure she isn't stalking him, but the case still rests, Rukia knows Ichigo-has a bond and trust, and CAN ask him and tell him anything without fear...Orihime doesn't, she has to tiptoe, and guess. She doesn't ask, she's too afraid and shy too.
She does not have a bond of pure trust and understanding. She has expectations of Ichigo that don't exist! He is NOT Prince Charming. He is NOT a knight in shining armor. (no the real knight has Quincy armor Orihime! He's the perfect gentlemen, and is a SMEXY dork!!! Look his way hun!!! ;D) He is NOT the messiah, he is NOT superman! She has too much fairy tale faith in this boy she crushes on and barely knows. When she DOES discover his real sides, his not so good ones...it frightens her...and it takes a LITTLE HOLLOW CHILD WHO JUST MET ICHIGO to make her wake up!!! Again....Rukia for Ichgio > Orihime for Ichigo.
Actually, I don't think Rukia loved Kaien romantically. I think she admired him beyond limits, and her admiration and feelings for him had grown as time passed, and are misunderstood with the feelings of guilt and grieve.
The heck?! You earlier just said don't call Orihime's "love" just admiration AND compared it to Rukia's admiration to Kaien...but then you tell me you don't think Rukia loved Kaien?!....Please quit contridicting yourself. Maybe more bleach fans would take you seriously if you didn't flip flop your views.
Usually, it does not count if the girl is the equal or if she looks up at him. Usually the hero gets the girl... If Kubo says that the girl is Nel, Ichigo will get Nel, being or not being her equal.
I'm sorry WHAT?!?!
Yes...it DOES COUNT if you are equal in a relationship...or do you like ships where the girl is a doormatt and is treated like a doll whose only good for looking pretty, being rescued all the time, and having big boobs?!
She deserves to be a man's equal! She deserves to have a guy like that!!! The only guys who were like her equal, are Ishida, and even the 4th Espada, Ulquiorra. They take Orihime seriously! They know what she's capable of! She's more than a sack of boobs that breaths!
To Ishida she's a kind, wonderful and important person who he cares for!
To Ulquiorra, she is everything he isn't! She is an enigma, a curosity, his opposite. Everything he's ever known had immediately been questioned the moment she opens her mouth to speak her mind! The woman who doesn't fear him, the strange girl with a strong will!
They give her credit, and strength. She exists to them! To Ichigo she's just a little kitten/glass vase/child...that he needs to baby and protect all the time. He has ZERO not alot of faith in her ability to fight for herself, or protect others, otherwise, he would of let her TRY to do something for herself, and not try to do everything for her!
And you know WHAT Kubo says??? Kubo says that Rukia is Ichigo's ray of light! Kubo says that Ichigo is the Black Sun and Rukia is the White Moon, Kubo says that RUKIA is the one who drys the rain in Ichigo's soul. Kubo says that Rukia is the one who changed Ichigo's world! Not Nel, not Orihime, not Hinamori, not Matsumoto, not Yoruichi, not Tatsuki, not the freaking Batman!!! RUKIA!!! RUKIA!!! RUKIA!!! I don't think he couldn't be MORE CLEAR!!!! He's practically throwing it in your face!!
And you know what...RUKIA IS HIS EQUAL!!! She's not a kitten, not a baby, not a child, not a doormatt, she is the one who changed his world! She's his equal! His precious nakama! She's the one who protected him-the one he wants to protect THE MOST!!! Relationships FAIL if there isn't balance...Kubo had made it obvious again and again with other people in bleach...those who hero worship or put someone on a pedestal fails to understand that person...therefore not equals, therefore failed relationship! Orihime is one example...another is Renji...another is Yumichika...and the primest example of all...Hinamori. EQUALITY MATTERS!!!!
The only good thing about Ishime is that Ishida would have a very nice model to dress with his designs.
Oh....heck....NO!!! YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE!?!? You have unleashed the rabid IshiHime shipper within!! Rinzilla Inner hollow has been released!!!!!!!!
(yeah that's right, my inner hollow is the hulk! >D)
You DARE to downgrade IshiHime like that! IshiHime is a beautiful ship, that has SO MUCH more to it...than just, "A model for Ishida" How DARE you make it sound so shallow!
THE GOOD THING about IshiHime sherlock is that Orihime has someone who considers her an equal! THE GOOD THING is that Ishida has a woman who is understanding and knows the real him! THE GOOD THING is that Ishida would shield her with his own body, lose an arm for her, protect her, risk his life for her! THE GOOD THING is that Ishida is a gentlemen that Orihime needs!!! THE GOOD THING is that Orihime is the caring sweetheart that Ishida needs!!!
They both are smart, they both are in the sewing club, they both lost a loved one very dear to them...they both have low self esteems-but when together, they both lift each other up! THEY STRENGTHEN EACH OTHER!!! Ishida is more relaxed, natural, heroic, kind, and social when Orihime is around him. Orihime tries harder. She wants to help as much as she can and in the best way she can when Ishida is around! Ishida and Orihime are dorky love gone adorable, cute, sweet, kawaii-fest! Geek gets the girl is adorkable kinds of pairings!!!!!!!
Stop wasting our time, you do not love IchiRuki and IchiHime equally you liar. How dare you put your stupid trolling comments in our forum!!
Start reading the manga, and actually respect Orihime as a character, and not as a sack of boobs who just needs to look pretty. Shipping her with Ichigo is one thing...but Aizen and Shinji?!?!
You can ship what you like...but don't you DARE claim you love Orihime's character when you HONESTLY AND HOPES TO CANONZ ship her with a pervert and a heartless villian, and a idiot who doesn't pay attention to her!
If you REALLY loved Orihime, you'd NEVER wish Aizen on her...you'd NEVER wish she'd be in a relationship where she's not someone's equal and is just the doormatt...you'd NEVER ship her with someone who only sees her for her body! If you loved Orihime you'd ship her with people who actually care/know about the real her, and see her for who she is. Like Sado, Tatsuki, Rukia, ISHIDA, or Ulquiorra (note, I hate Yuri (and yaoi but that's not the point) but Rukia or Tatsuki would be a ZILLION TIMES better than your options)
Thank you for your time folks.
If you disagree with my points...fine.
But I'm not an IchiHime fan, so don't expect me to sugarcoat what I feel. And this person really went off the handle...and I'm going to speak my mind about it, because I live in a free country where I have freedom of speech!
Flames will be ignored....then eaten by the Homunculus-Gluttony. So either be smart and kindly let go of your trolling hate, go whine about it to someone who cares, comment with respect for my opinions-and I will give you the same respect, or just kindly shove your boot up your butt-and keep that trap of yours shut. Nobody likes a flaming troll. I ignore your posts, so you can ignore mine...we'll all get along so much better that way-but if you do like this troll did, and come in enemy fandom territory..then you are just really asking for it.
So, if you enjoyed my first post, let me know what you think...also provide some of your thoughs, arguements, ideas too....everybody...let's have a HEALTHY discussion-and canon is very accepted-fanon can go discuss somewhere else.
Peace out ya'll