Sailor Moon!

Mar 12, 2011 01:23


Hey guys, you know that comm I mentioned that I have been obsessed with lately? Well you should join! XD

sailormoonland is an interactive community for Sailor Moon with different teams (Inners, Outers, Chaos) competing against each other for points to win the current Battle!! There are a bunch of different challenge and activities, from icon and graphic making, to writing and trivia! It's SUPPER fun and we just started a new battle so it's the perfect time to join ;) Even if you don't have that much time, but still wanna have fun you can sign up as a Social Member!!

JOIN AND HAVE FUN!! (And mention me if you do ;D ) I'm on team CHAOS! We are devious and have evil mustaches FUFUFU~

Real post coming soon lol

sailor moon, pimpage, icontests

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