Lizzie (formerly) Bach requested a movie themed wedding post, so today I set out to grant this request.
I decided to start out with a search she started - Star Wars themed weddings. And I discovered that the reason NOT to do a Star Wars themed wedding is not because it's geeky, not because it looks ridiculous, but because IT HAS BEEN DONE, 900 TIMES BEFORE YOU.
Seriously - google "Star Wars Theme Wedding" and no lie, you will get page after page of SW themed weddings. Not all the same weddings (though some do dominate over others) but pages of hundreds of them. I have not done the full research, but it seems to be the most popular theme wedding of all time. It has to be. Below, I present to you 15 DIFFERENT WEDDINGS to give you a mere taste, and inspire you if you were thinking of going that way. The photos culminate in the two greatest Star Wars weddings of all time, and closes with what is certain to be one of the most inadvertently? graphic Leia Gold Bikini Costumes I have ever seen outside porno Star Wars movies. Which I don't watch. Really. I don't even know what a Wookie is... though it does sound like a strange nickname for a vagina.
Found this on a bridal designer's blog:
One of the prettier stylings I've seen!
I have no idea what part of the series this represents:
This theme is just as popular in the UK:
You can, of course, commission a cake to go with it (though better ones than this one, which is good for a birthday but probably could be stepped up a notch for a wedding)
Even I have to admit that light-sabers + weddings = awesomesauce
I thought this one was photoshopped...but no. You can visit their
wedding website and see more:
This Jonathan and Rose invited their friends to dress up in any costume (Spiderman makes an appearance)
The groom was apparently shot down at this one:
Popular with the Asian Community as well:
It's hard to make fun of them - they look so happy!
Little did I know - Storm Troopers wear argyle:
A classier? take on the theme:
One hopes that the entire wedding party is fans of the movie - bridesmaid dresses are bad enough already:
And now for my two favorite Star Wars Weddings!
One of them is Tiger and Issa's wedding - and I can say, without shame, that they somehow managed to make their Star Wars themed wedding DEAD SEXY!
View more of their wedding photos
And finally, the wedding that Lizzie actually sent along that influenced the post - the most giant Star Wars wedding I have come across - and the most popularly Googled-or-Blogged one, I imagine:
Though I do have some issues with this one. A.) Ain't no way anyone at my wedding is wearing that mask, nevermind the GROOM. What the HELL is that?! B.) This bride must be very confident with herself, to have their priestess dressed as Golden Bikini Princess Leia. C.) WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MASK ON THE GROOM!?!?
They have
over 1200 photos, I believe, on Flickr, if you're interested.
And as promised, the most inadvertently skanky Princess Leia costume to go out in public - WARNING:
Side-Vagina is involved.
I close with a quote with a side of cheese:
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. "
And, after all, so does love.
AAAAAAAW!!! *retch*