Sep 18, 2006 21:37
Buckhannon Man on NBC's " The Biggest Loser"
Posted Monday, September 18, 2006 ; 06:00 PM
Chris Blackburn, assistant director of admissions at West Virginia Wesleyan College, will represent the Mountain State.
Story by Elizabeth Schubert Email | Bio
"I definitely have a weight against me. No pun intended, but I know this won't help me in the long run."
Chris Blackburn is ready to lift that weight. The Lewisburg native will join contestants from across the nation to compete for the title of "The Biggest Loser." Blackburn says his biggest inspiration is his family.
"My grandmother is a very large woman," he says. "She's confined to a wheelchair."
Seeing her made Blackburn realize he needs to take charge of his own weight.
"I see how much that upsets my dad and my mom," he says. "I don't want to become that type of burden on my family."
This season, he and the other contestants will turn a potential burden into something positive. But it won't be easy. He'll have to make drastic changes to his diet and exercise habits. All in the hopes of changing his body, and his life.
"I want to be healthy in the long run, and I want to be an example to others; to help them be healthy as well."
You can see Chris Blackburn on "The Biggest Loser," this Wednesday, right here on W-B-O-Y. The two hour season premiere begins 8:00 pm.