Dec 15, 2008 13:04
It's over! Dave made it through the surgery with flying colors! He was scheduled to be released on Saturday but he begged the doctor to let him go on Friday and they did! He surprised even the surgeon with how well he was doing. Amazingly, there isn't a lot opf pain, far less than either of us had expected. Granted, he is taking pain meds but in general, he's getting around quite well. I've caught him carrying his walker in front of him at times instead of actually using it, which is bad but indicates his knee is feeling pretty good.
It was tough sleeping without him on Wednesday and Thursday night but he was home and all was right with the world by Friday night. He got in and out of the shower fine and yes, he has a nine inch scar down the middle of his right knee which is held together with nineteen staples and loks liek Dr. Frankenstein got hold of him but all is well again.
Go Dave!