Hey, it's April 25 today. Just the time for all things hidden, uncanny and eerie, for all devilry to come out. It's Cromwell's birthday, after all. The weird celebrations by those whose loyalty for the monarch had not faded under the pressure of the new authority, old Lady Sadleir dancing on his grave, the creepy prayer books, rites and records, oh, those are not just a tale by the famed Victorian author. It is there, my Gran still knew quite a bit about that.
I am not particularly keen on fiction generally. There is, however, one author who totally captured me in my teens with his language and ability to educate through the plot, and continues to do so, with me devouring his stories over and over again, and still experiencing this marvellous, creepy, breathtaking thrill he had once given me when first entering my life.
And for all that his works are brought together under one very telling title "A warning to the..." And that's what they are - most cautionary to those who, following the fallibility of human nature - choose to forget some simple and universally known (yet equally universally neglected) imminent truths.
And I only wish the judges currently in charge of the majority of "judicial" decisions in Russia would hark to this jewel of the world's literary treasury.
Hear that, Judges Syrova, Nikishina, Moskalenko, Zamashnyuk and the rest - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for you. Some sentences are indefinite... timeless... eternal... ye know.
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And if anyone needs the text, it is
Listen onlineAnd do not forget to read Psalm 109 for tonight, this is obviously not a day of mercy for the wicked. )))
День Рождения Кромвэлла - самое время быть готовым к любой чертовщине. Единственный преданно любимый мной последние 20+ лет писатель знает в этом толк. Но сегодня мне бы особенно хотелось, чтобы с этим произведением ознакомились наши судьи неправедные. Сырова, Никишина, Карпов, Москаленко, Замашнюк и Ко - это для вас, вам будет очень полезно многое оттуда подчерпнуть.