Apr 01, 2005 08:13
after receiving a comment on my LJ last night from someone who wished to not be named, telling to learn how to organize my letters and proceeded to call me a "dumb ass," i have a reply (although i technically already have replied to his/her comment through the post, but i am angry so ya.....). first off, that post was writen late at night just before i was off to bed, as you can clearly tell from the time indicated with the entry. secondly, if you had taken the time to go through the rest of my posts, or for that matter even read the rest of that post, you would have seen that my typos are few and far between. it is only when i am really tired that i do not chose to correct myself. it is only now that anyone has seemed to care and of course it is someone not on my friends list, or so i hope.
thridly, the fact that you actually posted a comment calling me a dumbass (now we will spell it properly, and thanks to hoboqueen for pointing that out :P) is truly pathetic. do you have nothing better to do at 12:30, or whenever it was that you posted it, than to find random ppl's LJs and place really rude comments on them? and there is also a nicer way to say everything, especially to someone that you do not know. the fact that you used such hostility, really makes me wonder how sad your life is. they were just a few CLEAR typos. it wasn't as if i had no clue how to spell, or that the rest of my entry was littered with typos. just that one sentence. but hey, i guess typos are your hot button. so maybe you should go around reading random ppl's LJs because i am sure you will stumble upon many of them.
so to all of those who like to place mean comments on other ppl's LJs, you should have enough balls to show who you are so that we could have the same opportunity to read yours. that would be the fair thing to do, but it's okay, i must accept the fact that cowards exist and move on with my life instead of sitting here being as bad as this random person was to me.
and i'm spent.