(no subject)

Nov 20, 2004 17:24

Tell me about your first..

Created by im-waiting-for-you and taken 3943 times on bzoink!
day at schoolWhat year? In Kindergarten I cried and didn't want to go. Then I made a friend and she held my hand and made me feel better.kissTwo weeks before Christmas. 7th grade. Alone in a classroom waiting for rehearsal to start. He went underneath the mistletoe (on purpose) and I kissed him. He's gay now.girlfriend/boyfriend7th grade. I didn't exactly like him 'that way'. I was with him for 3 months because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He's on Broadway now. Grrtime getting highNever been.time drinkingHeh...umm...I've never done any serious drinking.dateI've never been on an official 'date'.time having sexheh. no.time you asked someone outHe said no. God this survey is depressing.time you ate sea foodI don't remember the first time. time getting in trouble for something really bigWell it's not REALLY big...but I was in 6th grade and I gave my # to some guy in Idaho. heh.detentionNever been to detention. 0:) But I tried to go once and they wouldn't let me in.time getting a fillingNever had one.fist fightNever been in a fight.time you cut yourselfRather not discuss that.questioned existanceI do this often. I try not to though because I get in a weird mood...and everything gets really confusing. Thanks a lot. Now I'm doing it again.
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