She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith.

Dec 08, 2015 10:13

Title: She Stoops to Conquer.
Author: Oliver Goldsmith.
Genre: Fiction, romance, humour, play.
Country: U.K.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 1773.
Summary: Wealthy countryman Mr. Hardcastle arranges for his daughter Kate to meet Charles Marlow, the son of a wealthy Londoner, hoping the pair will marry. Unfortunately Marlow is nervous around upper-class women, yet the complete opposite around lower-class females. On his first acquaintance with Kate, the latter realises she will have to pretend to be common, or Marlow will not woo her. Thus Kate stoops to conquer, by posing as a maid, hoping to put Marlow at his ease so he falls for her.

My rating: 7.5/10.

♥ MISS HARDCASTLE I understand you, sir. There must be some, who, wanting a relish for refined pleasures, pretend to despise what they are incapable of tasting.

♥ MARLOW I am now determined to stay, madam, and I have too good an opinion of my father's discernment, when he sees you, to doubt his approbation.
MISS HARDCASTLE No, Mr. Marlow, I will not, cannot detain you. Do you think I could suffer a connection, in which there is the smallest room for repentance? Do you think I would take the mean advantage of a transient passion, to load you with confusion? Do you think I could ever relish that happiness, which was acquired by lessening yours!
MARLOW By all that's good, I can have no happiness but what's in your power to grant me. Nor shall I ever feel repentance, but in not having seen your merits before. I will stay, even contrary to your wishes; and though you should persist to shun me, I will make my respectful assiduities alone for the levity of my past conduct.
MISS HARDCASTLE Sir, I must entreat you'll desist. As our acquaintance began, so let it end, in indifference. I might have given an hour or two to levity; but, seriously Mr. Marlow, do you think I could ever submit to a connection, where I must appear mercenary, and you imprudent? Do you think, I could ever catch at the confident addresses of a secure admirer?

fiction, literature, social criticism (fiction), romance, satire, 18th century - plays, british - fiction, plays, 18th century - fiction, 1770s, humour (fiction), british - plays

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