Title: Fawn and the Mysterious Trickster.
Author: Laura Driscoll.
Genre: Fiction, children's lit, fantasy, YA, picture books.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 2008.
Summary: Fawn loves practical jokes. She’s by far the best prankster in all of Pixie Hollow. Then her friend Beck plays a trick of her own that spooks the fairy dust off Fawn. Fawn would never let a good joke go unanswered, and in the blink of a dragonfly’s eye, the two fairies are in an all-out practical joke battle! Prank follows prank until one night someone turns all the furniture in Fawn’s room upside down. And Beck swears it wasn’t her! But if Beck didn’t do it, and Fawn didn't do it, then who is the new trickster in the Home Tree?
My rating: 5/10.