Kick-Ass by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr..

Nov 11, 2015 10:45

Title: Kick-Ass.
Author: Mark Millar.
Artist: John Romita Jr.
Genre: Graphic novel, fiction, super heroes, teen, adventure.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 2008-2010.
Summary: The story of Dave Lizewski, a teenager who sets out to become a real life superhero. He gets caught up with ruthless vigilantes Hit-Girl and Big Daddy who are on a mission to take down the gangster John Genovese.

My rating: 7/10

♥ I'm the guy with electrodes attached to his testicles. Obviously, this isn't what I had in mind when I first pulled on the mask. I thought it would be more leaping over rooftops and pitchy put-downs to purse snatchers. But this is the reality of the situation. This is what happens when you mess with bad people.

♥ The first time I ogled myself in the bedroom mirror I realized how far off the mark the comic books had been. It didn't take a trauma to make you wear a mask. It didn't take your parents getting shot, or cosmic ray or a power ring... Just the perfect combination of loneliness and despair.

♥ And so, after four operations, two months of counselling, three metal plates fitted inside my head, and endless weeks of physical rehabilitation, I finally realized why there's no such thing as superheroes in the real world.

teen, 21st century - fiction, series, fiction, american - fiction, super heroes, adventure, 2010s, graphic novels, 2000s

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