Title: Ballad of Mulan.
Author: Anonymous (translated and illustrated by Song Nan Zhang).
Genre: Literature, fiction, mythology, poetry, children's books, picture books, feminism, war.
Country: China.
Language: Chinese.
Publication Date: ~400 A.D. (this translation/art 1998).
Summary: A folktale based on a song/poem from the Sung Dynasty in which a young girl disguises herself as a man and leads the army of China to victory over the enemy.
My rating: 8/10
My review:
"But Father is old and frail," Mulan sighed.
"How can he fight? He has no grown son and I have no elder brother.
I will go to the markets.
I shall buy a saddle and a horse.
I must fight in Father's place."
Mulan rose ten thousand miles to fight a hundred battles.
She crossed peaks and passes like a bird in flight.
Nights at the camp were hard and cold, but Mulan endured every hardship.
Knowing her father was safe warmed her heart.
What a surprise it was when Mulan appeared at the door!
Her comrades were astonished and amazed.
"How is this possible?" they asked.
"How could we have fought side by side with you for ten years and not have known you were a woman?"
Mulan replied, "They say the male rabbit likes to hop and leap, while the female rabbit prefers to sit still.
But in times of danger, when the two rabbits scurry by, who can tell a male from female?"
Mulan's glory spread through the land.
And to this day we sing of this brave woman who loved her family and served her country, asking for nothing in return.