Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration by Simon Sinek (illustrated by Ethan M. Aldridge).

Jun 26, 2024 21:40

Title: Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration.
Author: Simon Sinek (illustrated by Ethan M. Aldridge).
Genre: Non-fiction, self-help, picture books.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 2016.
Summary: Most of us live our lives by accident-we live as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose. What are you going to do with your life? What are you doing with your life now?" "Do you have goals? A vision? A clear sense of why you do what you do?" Almost everyone knows someone who has grappled with at least one of these questions. The answers can often seem elusive or uncertain. Though there are many paths to follow into the unknown future, there is one way that dramatically increases the chances we will enjoy the journey. To travel with someone we trust. We can try to build a successful career or a happy life alone, but why would we? Together is better.

My rating: 7/10
My review:

Most of us live our lives by accident-we live as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.

♥ What good is having a belly if there's no fire in it? Wake up, drink your passion, light a match and get to work!

The best way to find out if it will work is to do it.

♥ Bad leaders care about who's right. Good leaders care about what's right. Don't complain, contribute.

♥ As individuals, we're useless. We can't lift heavy weight and we can't solve complex problems. But together?

Together we are remarkable.

Bad teams work in the same place. Good teams work together.

Together is better.

♥ A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.

♥ The value of our lives is not determined by what we do for ourselves. The value of our lives is determined by what we do for others.

The opportunity is not to discover the perfect company for ourselves. The opportunity is to build the perfect company for each other.

♥ It is a luxury to put our interests first. It is an honor to put the interests of others before ourselves.

♥ Fulfillment is not born of the dream. Fulfillment is born of the journey.

Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or the things we do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet.

True strength is the courage to admit weakness.

♥ A boss has the title. A leader has the people.

The mind can be convinced but the heart must be won.

A star wants to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him become stars.

A leader must be inspired by the people before a leader can inspire the people.

"To go fast, go alone. To go far, to together." -African proverb.

non-fiction, 2010s, 21st century - non-fiction, art in post, english - non-fiction, picture books, british - non-fiction, self-help, american - non-fiction

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