Bilbo's Last Song by J.R.R. Tolkien (llustrated by Pauline Baynes).

May 25, 2024 22:36

Title: Bilbo's Last Song.
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien (llustrated by Pauline Baynes).
Genre: Literature, fiction, poems, death.
Country: U.K.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 1973 (written ~1950s, picture book in 1990).
Summary: Bilbo Baggins, famous Hobbit adventurer and saviour of the One ring, arrives at the Grey Havens to board the White Ship on its journey west. It is here that he composes his last song, reflecting on the leaving of Middle-earth and the voyage that will take him to the Undying Lands at the end of the sunset. The song is both a longing to set forth on his ultimate journey and a tender farewell to friends left behind.

My rating: 8.5/10
My review:

Day is ended, dim my eyes, but journey long before me lies.

Farewell, friends!
I hear the call.
The ship's beside the stony wall.

Foam is white and waves are grey; beyond the sunset leads my way.

Foam is salt, the wind is free;
I hear the rising of the Sea.

Farewells, friends!
The sails are set, the wind is east, the moorings fret.

Shadows long before me lie, beneath the ever-bending sky.

But islands lie behind the Sun that I shall raise ere all is done;

Lands there are to west of West, where night is quiet and sleep is rest.

Guided by the Lonely Star, beyond the utmost harbour-bar.

I'll find the havens fair and free, and beaches of the Starlit Sea.

Ship, my ship!
I seek the West, and fields and mountains ever blest.

Farewell to Middle-earth at last, I see the Star above your mast!

death (fiction), series: the lord of the rings, death (poetry), literature, sequels, art in post, 1950s - poetry, poetry, my favourite books, fiction, spin-offs, songs, 20th century - poetry, 1950s - fiction, picture books, 20th century - fiction

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