The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant by Jean de Brunhoff (translated by Merle S. Haas).

May 03, 2021 20:14

Title: The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant.
Author: Jean de Brunhoff (translated by Merle S. Haas).
Artist: Jean de Brunhoff.
Genre: Fiction, children's lit, animals, picture books.
Country: France.
Language: French.
Publication Date: 1931.
Summary: After his mother is killed by a hunter, Babar avoids capture by escaping to the city, where he is befriended by the kindly Old Lady. Later, with cousins Céleste and Arthur, he returns to the great forest to be crowned King of the Elephants.

My rating: 10/10.
My review:

In the great forest a little elephant is born. His name is Babar. His mother loves him very much. She rocks him to sleep with her trunk while singing softly to him.

Babar is riding happily on his mother's back, when a wicked hunter, hidden behind some bushes, shoots at them.

The hunter has killed Babar's mother! Babar cries.

♥ "I would like to have some fine clothes, too!"

Luckily, a very rich old lady who has always been fond of little elephants understands right away that he is longing for a fine suit. As she likes to make people happy, she gives him her purse.

Without wasting any time Babar goes into a big store.

It is such fun to ride up and down in this funny box, that he rides all the way up ten times and all the way down ten times. He did not want to stop..

♥ Babar then buys himself...



And here is his photograph.

In the mornings, he does setting up exercises with her..

..and then he takes his bath.

He goes for an automobile ride every day.

However, Babar is not quite happy, for he misses playing in the great forest with his little cousins and his friends the monkeys. He often stands at the window, thinking sadly of his childhood, and cries when he remembers is Mother.

He kisses them affectionately..

..and hurries off with them to buy them some fine clothes.

Babar kisses the old lady good-bye. He would be quite happy to go if it were not for leaving her. He promises to come back some day. He will never forget her.

Alas, that very day, the King of the elephants had eaten a bad mushroom.

It poisoned him and he became ill, so ill that he died.

Then Cornelius, the oldest of all the elephants, spoke in his quavering voice: "My good friends, we are seeking a King, why not choose Babar? He has just returned from the big city, he has learned so much living among men, let us crown him King." All the other elephants thought that Cornelius had spoken wisely-and eagerly they await Babar's reply.

"I want to thank you one and all," said Babar, "but before accepting your proposal, I must explain to you that, while we were travelling in the car, Céleste and I became engaged. If I become your King, she will be your Queen."

Long live Queen Céleste! Long live King Babar! cry all the elephants without a moment's hesitation.

And thus it was that Babar became King-

The wedding guests begin to arrive.

After the wedding and the coronation, everybody dances merrily.

The festivities are over, night has fallen, the stars have risen in the sky. King Babar and Queen Céleste are indeed very happy.

politics (fiction), french - fiction, anthropomorphism, art in post, chidren's lit, humour (fiction), series: babar, ya, my favourite books, translated, foreign lit, fiction, series, animals (fiction), 3rd-person narrative, 1930s - fiction, picture books, 20th century - fiction

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