Title: The Broken Ear.
Author: Hergé.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, humour, adventure, mystery.
Country: Belgium.
Language: French.
Publication Date: 1937.
Summary: A small Arumbaya statue has been stolen in a museum, then returned, though one incorrect detail immediately alerts Tintin that instead of the original, a mere replica was returned, for no apparent reason. After a clue from a murdered thief's parrot, Tintin sets off to South America to retrieve the stolen fetish. There, he finds himself in the middle of the local political dissent, with military and economic factors, plus the war of the Gran Chaco, which had been opposing Bolivia and Paraguay for the past three years. It is up to Tintin, newly appointed a Colonel, to navigate through the local conflicts, and ditch all the enemies trying to stop him, to find and uncover the secret of the stolen fetish.
My rating: 7.5/10.
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