A Boy & A Girl by Jamie S. Rich and Natalie Nourigat.

Feb 01, 2016 04:53

Title: A Boy & A Girl.
Author: Jamie S. Rich.
Artist: Natalie Nourigat.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, futuristic fiction, artificial intelligence, adventure, science fiction.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: December 11, 2013.
Summary: Travis and Charley have just met. It’s Charley’s last night in town, and Travis can’t let her leave without getting her to go on a date. In a future where real people are rapidly being supplanted by lifelike androids, sometimes one shot is all you get! Intelligence may be artificial, but the emotion is real in this futuristic romance.

My rating: 8/10.
My review:

♥ The robotic age is surprisingly fatalistic in terms of philosophy. Advanced machinery hasn’t liberated us from superstition… but instead provided a blueprint for it. Everything we know, be it natural or mechanical, is part of the same machine… A working part of the engine… A circuit in the operating system… Inevitably connected.

♥ “Yeah, it’s purely cosmetic. I have a sense of touch, but no pain receptors. And no blood, so your drink is just fine. Form equals function.”

“You’re so nonchalant about it. Do you ever think you’re being robbed, expected to pass as human, but without being given the fundamentals?”

“Ha! Like you wouldn’t give up physical pain if you had the chance? Since when is stubbing your toe proof of humanity?”

“I don’t know. The shock of reality?”

“Seriously, guy, If you need something like this to remind you that you’re living… well, then how much are you living really?”


science fiction, 21st century - fiction, fiction, futuristic fiction, american - fiction, artificial intelligence (fiction), adventure, 2010s, graphic novels

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