Batman: Noël by Lee Bermejo.

Jan 29, 2016 01:33

Title: Batman: Noël.
Author: Lee Bermejo.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, fantasy, super heroes.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: November 2, 2011.
Summary: Inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Along the way, Batman must come to terms with his past, present and future as he battles villains from the campy 1960s to dark and brooding menaces of today, while exploring what it means to be the hero that he is. Members of Batman's supporting cast enact roles analogous to those from A Christmas Carol, with Robin, Catwoman, Superman, The Joker and more playing roles that will be familiar to anyone who knows Dickens' original holiday tale.

My rating: 7.5/10.
My Review:

♥ First thing, though, you gotta tell me something… ‘Cuz for this story to make sense… for it to mean anything… you have to believe in something. Something very important. You have to believe people can change.

♥ “Look at your people. Take a second and look at your lambs as you do your lions. Sometimes I think that helping people, saving people, can be just as easy as showing them your face. The face of someone exactly like them.

♥ They say, “You’re born alone and you die alone.” Even if that’s true, would you want it to be? If you had a chance to change… to get it right... would you fight for it? Sometimes it takes dyin’ to teach a fella how to live.

my favourite books, 20th century in fiction, 21st century - fiction, fiction, batman, super heroes, 2010s, book to graphic novel, 1960s in fiction, fantasy, graphic novels

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