Blockade Billy by Stephen King.

Jan 15, 2016 22:56

Title: Blockade Billy.
Author: Stephen King.
Genre: Fiction, novella, sports, mystery, crime.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: April 20th, 2010.
Summary: Even the most die-hard baseball fans don’t know the true story of William “Blockade Billy” Blakely. He may have been the greatest player the game has ever seen, but today no one remembers his name. He was the first - and only - player to have his existence completely removed from the record books. Even his team is long forgotten. Every effort was made to erase any evidence that William Blakely played professional baseball, and with good reason. Blockade Billy had a secret darker than any pill or injection that might cause a scandal in sports today. His secret was much, much worse.

My rating: 6.5/10.

♥ It’s a funny thing, getting old. When you’re young, people always want to listen to your stories, especially if you were in pro baseball. But when you’re young, you don’t have time to tell them. Now I’ve got all the time in the world, and it seems like nobody cares about those old days. But I still like to think about them.

1st-person narrative, 21st century - fiction, fiction, baseball (fiction), american - fiction, sports fiction, mystery, novellas, author: stephen king, 2010s, crime

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