An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting by Jane Collier.

Jan 03, 2016 04:11

Title: An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting.
Author: Jane Collier.
Genre: Non-fiction, satire, how to guide, humour.
Country: U.K.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 1753.
Summary: A satirical advice book on how to nag and is intended to "teach" a reader the various methods for "teasing and mortifying" one's acquaintances. It is divided into two sections that are organised for "advice" to specific groups, and it is followed by "General Rules" for all people to follow..

My rating: 8/10.

♥ If you should observe this disposition in Miss Lucy, you may practise a game which many people who honour themselves with the name of humourists, have played before you: this is, never to tell anyone what you want; but to be extremely angry, that your servants, your dependants and friends, have not the gift of divination.

♥ The man, for some qualification, either personal or mental, which he sees, or dreams he sees, in some woman, fixes his affections on that woman: then, instead of endeavouring to fix her affections on himself, he directs all her thoughts, and her enjoyments, on settlements, equipage, fine clothes, and every other gratification of vanity within his power and fortune to give her. He pays so thorough an adoration and submission to her in all respects, that he soon perfects a work before half-finished to his hands; namely, the making her completely and immovably in love with - herself. - This puts her, for the present, into such good spirits, and good humour, that the poor man, from the pleasure he finds in her company, believes her to be in love with him. This thought, joined to his first inclination to her person, creates in him a pretty strong affection towards her, and gives her that power over him, which I would willingly assist her in exerting.

♥ Prosperity is, indeed, the proper time to exert insolence; but adversity is the time to engage the affections of the tender and compassionate, so as to make your insolence to them in prosperity more sharply felt.

♥ For it is as true of anger as it is of love, that none can feign it so well, as those who are free of its power.

♥ As it is from suffering, and not from inflicting torments, that the true idea of them is gained.

1750s, non-fiction, psychology, satire, 3rd-person narrative non-fiction, 18th century - non-fiction, humour, how to guides, british - non-fiction

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