Title: Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Neverland.
Author: Joe Brusha and Jean-Paul Deshong.
Artist: Jason Embury.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, horror, adventure, fantasy.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: March 15th, 2011.
Summary: Pan never wanted to grow up and now he's found the key to immortality and a way to rule the realm of Neverland forever! All he needs is a steady supply of children to complete his sinister plans. Once a magical paradise, Pan has reshaped Neverland into the ultimate nightmare for any child unlucky enough to visit. Only one child has ever been able to escape. Now as an adult, Hook may be the only person who can put a stop to Pan's madness.
My rating: 6/10.
♥ Adults have the luxury of not believing in monsters. With all the terrors of the real world... Home foreclosures... Muggings... Or -- God forbid -- cancer... There are more than enough nightmares to lose sleep over. Children, in all their innocence, aren't so lucky. They know the monsters are out there, lurking in the closet or hiding underneath the bed. Many a sleepless night has been spent by a six or seven year old, covers pulled over his head, counting the seconds until the safety of the morning light while whispering one prayer or another. I promise to be good if you don't let the boogey man get me... I swear I won't talk back to my mom anymore... if you make the monster go away. Usually, those earnest pleas are enough to keep the monsters at bay. But not always. Sometimes the monsters are just too hungry. Sometimes whispered prayers aren't enough to keep them away. These are the things that children know for sure in the darkest hours of the night.
♥ If you do find the courage to stare down your demons, to look the fear that plagues you right in the eye, what do you do when those demons stare right back at you and the fear is so bad you can taste it? When it overwhelms you and threatens to paralyze you, you have to make a choice. Give up, or crawl into a hole and wait to die, or fight and make a stand. No matter how long the odds are. That's when you find out what you're made of - if it really was courage that led you here. Because facing that fear and fighting it, no matter what the final outcome may be, whether you win or lose, live or die, you're finally free.