The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby.

Dec 16, 2015 07:34

Title: The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.
Author: Jeremy Narby.
Genre: Non-fiction, anthropology, shamanism, native studies, ecology, molecular biology, science, drugs.
Country: France.
Language: French.
Publication Date: 1995.
Summary: Narby performed two years of field work in the Pichis Valley of the Peruvian Amazon researching the ecology of the Asháninka, an indigenous peoples in Peru. Investigating the connections between shamanism and molecular biology, Narby hypothesizes that shamans may be able to access information at the molecular level through the ingestion of entheogens, specifically ayahuasca.

My rating: 9/10

ecology, non-fiction, 1990s - non-fiction, canadian - non-fiction, drugs, my favourite books, native american in non-fiction, translated, french - non-fiction, series, anthropology, shamanism, 1st-person narrative non-fiction, peruvian in non-fiction, biology, science, foreign non-fiction, 20th century - non-fiction

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