Sep 13, 2006 23:42
I don't know how good or bad is, but my obsession for anime is back, well is not a fever, but I'm starting to watch Dragon Ball Z again (BTW I discovered I know the dialogues LOL)
Life, well is basically the same I'm breathing and living for the school because of my exams. Today I had deviations of the children and I'm proudly to say that even though I studied around 8 hours yesterday, I failed, or at least I think I did.
Today finally gave his present to Memo, he didn't open while I was there, so I have no idea what he thinks, hope he like it though... or I hope is the right present, so the though is what is suppose to count. I also hope he hast bought it cause he show me the futbol bag I'm giving him.... I can only hope
This weekend is independence day , and I still don't have any plans I was going to go to a concert, but apparently the idea didn't really took off
Anyway, I don't have to much to report.. I'm going to read some fanfic for a while, and then right back to bed
******Hugs to all my f-list!******
Edit: he did liked ^_^ my record for being a good gift giver is intact