Mar 20, 2010 02:12

 Do you really have to explore this drama in my facebook feed?

So, recently I've been hanging out with a lot of lesbians (WHY CAN'T I BE ATTRACTED TO PUSSY!?)

Anyway, apparently one couple is having a little ~tiff!~ over cocaine or heroin or something. Seriously, though, I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT. I don't need the thirty second intervals between "help me" and "I just snooped because I wasn't sure," and "[she's]  been lying still talking to the life destroyer"

I think the really awkward part is that I'm actually MUCH better friends with the perpetrator. AWKWARD.

I dunno. I guess it's my lack of sleep, her lack of punctuation, and my sorry single ass all combining to make this a very irksome display.

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