The Idiot Box

Apr 26, 2012 01:10

So I did this this weekend.

Title: The Idiot Box
Artist: ataratah
Author: margo_kim
Beta: coppermouth (to whom I am eternally grateful since I pretty much shoved this at her, crying and pleading.)
Rating (both art/fic): PG/ PG-13
Universe: Movieverse
Word Count: 21,000
Warnings: Some sexuality, lots of language.

Art Thumbnail:

Fic Summary: Stephanie Rogers isn't happy to be in the 21st century, but she's even less thrilled to be on a team with Antonia Stark who seems as spoiled and self-centered as people come. She and Tony do their best to ignore each other, until their mutual insomnia (read: nightmares) causes them to bond over the new American pastime: late night television watching.
Link to Art: At the artist's lj and Dreamwidth
Link to Fic: At AO3

I've spent the last two days periodically stopping where I stand and saying to myself, "Holy shit, I wrote a 50 page story." And then I fistbump whoever's hanging around.

fanfiction, avengers, avengers: tony/steve

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