Mr. Cinnabon

Mar 13, 2006 20:08

I decided to work from home today, because the commute to school is an hour each way, and there was no journal club this week, so I wouldn't be missing anything if I stayed home. Plus, I didn't wake up until 10, so I wouldn't have gotten to school until around noon, and I didn't want all the people there to think I'm a slacker who wakes up late. I want them to believe that I got up at 6am and started work right away, and was just so into it that I couldn't even leave my apartment. So I spent my morning watching videos of Hooded Warblers, and carefully documenting each time they arrived at the nest, whether they brought food for their babies, and when they left the nest. It was riveting, but by 3pm I was getting a bit antsy. I had a couple letters to mail, so I decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air.

The weather has been quite warm here lately (around 10 deg!), so quite nice for walking. Definitely better than -15. The only drawback today was that it had just finished raining, so it was quite warm and misty, making my hair go totally poofy. And it had looked so good when I left the house! Oh well, the public will have to wait another day to see how awesome my hair can be. So as I was walking along, I realized that I was quite close to a Cinnabon. I don't think there are Cinnabons in B.C., so for those of you who don't know, they happen to be the BEST cinnamon buns in the world. The world! The only other place I've seen them is in Ottawa. Since moving to toronto, I've only had one half of a Cinnabon that I split with a friend. I have had so few because there aren't any locations near my regular stomping grounds. Which is both a good and a bad thing. If I did live close to one, then I know my life would be much more satisfying. But I would also probably get so fat that I would no longer be able to walk to the Cinnabon, thus I would lose weight by not being able to reach them, then I would be able to walk to the store again, and the vicious cycle would repeat.

Well anyways, I decided that to make up for how low I was feeling because of my poofy hair, I would purchase my first full Cinnabon to myself since the winter of 2002. I went to the counter, but there was a fellow right before me who also wanted a delicious Cinnabon. He looked like maybe there were several Cinnabon locations in his regular stomping grounds, and that he had had a few too many. He ordered a Cinnabon with EXTRA icing! and to drink? A large chocolate milk. I was worried that I would catch diabetes just standing beside him. Okay, so here comes the meat of the story: when he goes to pay, he pulls out an old $20. And I mean old like from the 70s old, not even 'birds of canada' old, but 'scenes of canada' old. Do you remember this?

I don't think banks even take those any more. The girl behind the counter looks at it funny, so Mr. Cinnabon is like "It's just an old $20, it's fine". She doesn't seem convinced, so she then takes it to the other guy working there to ask him if it's okay, and the guy says no, it's not. So she goes back to the till, and then Mr. Cinnabon starts to get upset. He's like "It's legal tender! look, it says on it 'legal tender' it's printed right there!!!". Wow, if that argument worked, I could run around to cinnabons all day with toilet paper that i had written 'legal tender' on with my sharpie marker, and would be basking in free cinnabon deliciousness. Meanwhile, I am thinking to myself, I hope this girl just tells him "no, sorry", so that I can get my cinnabon sooner. But she seems very unsure. The guy is getting more upset. She asks him "do you have anything else that you could pay with?" And he's like "I don't need anything else! that's a $20 bill!" And then, he started getting mean. He said to her "look, how long have you been in Canada?" Turns out she had only been her for one year. So he decides to basically tell her that she is just too new and stupid to know the ways of Canadian money. I felt like it was time to step in... "um, excuse me, but I've lived in Canada my whole life, and I've worked in retail. Most stores haven't accepted that type of bill for years." The girl looks relieved, but Mr. Cinnabon looks infuriated. He steps back and is starts yelling really loudly "Ya, well, you know what, FUCK YOU!!!!". He did this thing with his hand where he threw it up in the air and pointed as he was yelling. At this point I noticed that he had a toothpick in his mouth, probably from his most recent meal, and food particles that he had worked loose were flying through the air. He kind of looked like this:

Except angrier, fatter, and with a beard. He took off and left his order behind.

Finally! It was my turn for a cinnabon. The girl behind the counter profusely thanked me for my awesomeness. She had never seen one of those $20s before, so I can totally understand her confusion and how unsure she was of the situation. I got the fat man's cinnabon. I know he never actually touched it, and it was completely fresh and identical to any cinnabon i would have gotten, and I wouldn't want them to waste it, but it seemed somehow tainted. Still delicious though.

On another note, Matek has informed you of the website threadless. Well, I sadly had my first submission to them rejected... who knows why, it was awesome!

and it only used 4 colours. Who wouldn't want Matek on their t-shirt? Richard has also had several declined, which I felt was ridiculous, based on some of the crap that gets through. So I decided to make the crappiest think I could in about half an hour, but to put things in it that are lame and that lame people would like, to see if it would get past the initial panel of judges. And, well, it did!!! So you all can go and vote on it! give it $5 please, cause i deserve $1000 for that half an hour I spent on it.

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