Earlier in August, my wife and I spent several days in Lake Tahoe, celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary (we went to Lake Tahoe for our honeymoon). While we were there, we spent a couple of hours on a
catamaran, riding out to the middle of the lake and then back to the dock. The lake seemed remarkably empty and quiet to me (which, I must hasten to add, was not a bad thing -- it was pleasantly peaceful). There were far fewer boats than I would have expected, and all but one of the boats I did see were motorboats (some of which were busy towing
parasails). I had expected to see more sailboats, and I was a bit disappointed that there seemed to be no place to rent a daysailer for a couple of hours. My main regret about the catamaran ride is that I didn't get a margarita.
While we were out on the catamaran, I took this picture of a seagull (or perhaps I should say a "sea"gull -- Lake Tahoe is freshwater, and is about 200 miles inland and 6,200 feet above sea level). Apart from a little bit of cropping and resizing, I haven't touched either one of these pictures with Photoshop.
We also went on a nature walk on
Rainbow Trail at the Taylor Creek Visitor Center on the southern shore of the lake, where I took this picture of a
Steller's Jay.
And here's a stereo-pair, taken at the same park where we saw the Stellar's Jay.
I have a few more pictures from Lake Tahoe that are worth posting, and hope to deal with them in the next few days. I realize I should have dealt with this earlier, but the past couple of weeks have been very, very busy at work, and my supply of energy is always very limited.