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Apr 24, 2009 13:54

Cimitirul Vesel, Весёлое кладбище в Марамуреше, Румыния.

Вот что говорит информационный стенд на кладбище:

A genuine open-air museum, the Merry Cemetery of Sapanta, dating back to 1935, lies near the village church and includes over 800 folk art monuments with a stunning appearance and meanings. These are the lifetime work creation of Stan Ioan Patras, skillful craftsman and wood carver, a simple man who learned his trade through hard work and dedication. His work was carried on by Dumitru Pop, called Tincu, one of his apprentices. Craftsman Patras made wooden crosses but in a very original and personal manner managing to lay aside the sadness and the dark aspects related to death. He succeeded instead to turn the drama into hope, bantering death with realism and humor, emphasing more on life's triumph.

The inedite monuments in this cemetery are in fact wooden crosses surrounding the church in a unique explosion of bright colors.These crosses are in fact living chronicles of a small community seen in a perspective of the generations that succeeded.
Made of oak wood, the crosses in this cemetery are painted in cheerful colors and have folk rhymes carved into wood immortalizing the deceased's life, occupations and family problems. All crosses are paint in blue (symbolizing the sky to which the soul rises after death) and embellished with ornamentations in a chromatic palette of bright colors: red, black, green, and yellow.

Above each epitaph is a picture of the deceased, immortalized in an important moment of his life. Epitaphs are written in the first-person and are ironical or humorous, often depicting the deceased's life in anecdotes, this explaining in a certain manner this places's name - the Merry Cemetery.

The Merry Cemetery is a unique place of pilgrimage. It is a place where people come to mourn their dead, but, above all, it is a place expressing in a very deep and optimistic manner a true meanings and beauties of life.


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