Title: A Thrill To Be Filled (Sam/Andy) Summary: Porn Battle Entry Rating: soft R Word Count: a blessedly short 749 A/N: a blatant rip-off of the flashback from Ch. 10 of The Witness
My dad's 33 so yeah when thinking age differences, but Ben's wife is pretty young I think and he looks younger than he is. I guess I should read the witness if this is similar but it's a bit intimidate for those of us who are not English native readers. Personally glad to see some shorter stories from you and other good authors :) One negate I would mention though, is that LJ is banned in some places. I have friends who would love to read short stories too, but access is limited.
I don't know if you would consider challenge but I would like to read an Andy/Chris story. I do not see relationship define there but after 2.9-2.11 early when both are broke and vunerable, I can picture mutual comfort/rebound. They are too nice and similar and I think Andy/Sam compliment/challenge each other overall. Disclaim-my friends and I are Andy favourites-similar childhoods-so we like to see her do a good job but also be the most person she can be and think Sam can this do but still a little for age. Also there is the student/teacher relations; it is difficult and not alway healthy to go from this to romantic, but hope writers will this explore.
As a person who is usually guest/anonymous, it's a little scare to languages other, thank you for reading. I think is most English I have ever to write, maybe I will write so many as you one day :)
Actually, The Witness is really nothing like this post. I start out each chapter with a "flashback" into Andy and Sam's relationship (in the story) and was planning on using the setting as one.
However, if you're interested in shorter stories, the Witness is not the way to go. It's already well past 100,000 words, and is only getting longer.
I'll think about maybe doing an Andy/Chris friendship story. I think romantically, they're pretty...nonsexual. But the friendship definitely has possibilities :)
And I agree that the student/teacher relationship complicates things between Sam and Andy. (it also makes it super hot ;) )
Also, you can find many many Sam/Andy stories on fanfiction.net. Lots of them are short.
And thanks for the long replies! I appreciate them very much.
I don't know if you would consider challenge but I would like to read an Andy/Chris story. I do not see relationship define there but after 2.9-2.11 early when both are broke and vunerable, I can picture mutual comfort/rebound. They are too nice and similar and I think Andy/Sam compliment/challenge each other overall. Disclaim-my friends and I are Andy favourites-similar childhoods-so we like to see her do a good job but also be the most person she can be and think Sam can this do but still a little for age. Also there is the student/teacher relations; it is difficult and not alway healthy to go from this to romantic, but hope writers will this explore.
As a person who is usually guest/anonymous, it's a little scare to languages other, thank you for reading. I think is most English I have ever to write, maybe I will write so many as you one day :)
However, if you're interested in shorter stories, the Witness is not the way to go. It's already well past 100,000 words, and is only getting longer.
I'll think about maybe doing an Andy/Chris friendship story. I think romantically, they're pretty...nonsexual. But the friendship definitely has possibilities :)
And I agree that the student/teacher relationship complicates things between Sam and Andy. (it also makes it super hot ;) )
Also, you can find many many Sam/Andy stories on fanfiction.net. Lots of them are short.
And thanks for the long replies! I appreciate them very much.
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