Jan 10, 2005 22:50
i have been really slacking on here lately. granted i've been on here a lot, but only to take quizzes, read other people journals, comment on them, write like 4 line posts, mostly about my dreams and horoscope and that's it... not a whole lot of real entries. so here's one, i guess...
i guess since my birthday and New Year's Eve were like 2 weeks ago, i can finally write about them.. god, i am such a friggin' procrastinator.. anyway, December 29 was my birthday. i turned 24. it was ok... however, not my best. they seem to be getting more and more boring and seem, well, pointless. but, yeah. at least this year my Dad actually told me HB on the phone, granted i called him for something, but still.. nice. and i got calls from Michelle, Tammi, Erinn and Brandi too. Judy made me my favorite dinner (potatoes, hamburger w/mushroom soup:)) and Jack took me to the movies. Amber and Nick went too and we saw 'Ray', which was an awesome movie, seemed so realistic, Jamie Fox was very convincing. i give the show 2 thumbs up, definitely.. and my lovely husband also got me a Gretchen Wilson album, which i LOVE and a beautiful new shirt that's black, long sleeve w/big white, starchy collar and slit cuffs underneath. very nice and will look very good in our picture of us two that we will be getting taken on Friday, i'm sure of it;) um, i guess that was pretty much all that went down on my bday, as it was a Wednesday and not much partyin' took place...
although the day after NYE, Jack and i went out w/Brian and Michelle to the Eagles. got drunk easily b/c the drinks there are less than $2, and i had some very yummy ones too: lots of Amarettos and a Cape Cod and a Red Headed Slut, but that one was a bit much for me. heh. everyone else got pretty blasted too, i think, so we went back to M&B's for a bit so either Jack or i could sober up and of course i did ;) owell. the guys played guitar and Michelle and i half listened/half talked retardley. and earlier that night they gave me a frame decorated w/butterflies w/a picture of Reid and i, from M&B's wedding in it.. very cute and thoughtful present.. thank you both! :)
back a night, NYE was interesting, kinda. nothing big at all to tell.. i went over to Jack's Grandma Wink's house and ate ribs and sauerkraut w/her, Shane, Beth, Adam Jordan and Reid. we played 'Dirty Minds' and watched some kid's talent show on the tv and then watched the ball drop. then i laid on the couch and waited for Jacki to get off work. sucked.. didn't get my 12:00 kiss after all, b/c he had soooo many deliveries that night, but i did get a really really big one right when he walked in the door ;) so that's how i rang in 2005.. at least it was w/family. (and i polished up my 'Dirty Minds' skills.. i actually don't completely suck now!!) wasn't my most exciting NYE ever, but i'm sure it wasn't the worse, either. so, yay!
this past weekend we had game night on Saturday. it was nice to have again, i miss those a lot. we used to have them all the time. i had a yummy sub from the Way and we played an awesome new game that Tammi bought us, so it was good times all around, i think.
um, not much else, except HAPPY 2005! god, 2004 was a year of such rollercoastering emotions/situations/luck/shit for me and i am so glad to be starting over in more than one sense. awwww.
and tomorrow will be my last entry in this Livejournal. i know this is sappy, but i'm getting kinda sad about getting a new journal, but come on, i've had this one since March 13, 2002.. almost 3 years ago! so i'm kinda vaclempt, but i know it's time to move on and get better, hence a better journal, i hope.
all for now, Friends is on. good night, ya'll.