Inside Your Mind.
What do you like about yourself? my strength. my butt. ;)
What do you dislike about yourself? my impatience
Do you have any special talents? just normal ones, nothing special
What are some of your hobbies? cooking, talking, playing... nice things with friends
Do you accept your anger? don't have much.
Do you accept your sadness? yeah. i do. it's necessary at this point.
Do you accept your worry? no.
Do you accept your confusion? i'm not the one who is apparently confused or "complicated".
Do you accept your anxiety? not much of that either. i'm only anxious about school stuff.
Do you accept your fear? No. i don't like feeling weak.
What is difficult for you? right now? Sleeping. I would like to take care of that ASAP.
About You.
Favorite color? duh. purple.
Favorite song? Um, at the moment? The only song I can listen to without having a nervous breakdown? "born to run". If you get in my car, you will either have to deal with IT or SILENCE.
Favorite band? Lots.
Favorite movie? Lots as well. The Exorcist always prevails though. "Do you have any................. ice?" I <3 Emily.
Favorite teacher (past or present)? Ummmm. At the moment, Cecil.
Favorite book? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Favorite thing to do? eat or cook.
Second favorite thing to do? sleep, talk.
Favorite website? the stalker ones... myspace and facebook. :-D
Do you like your looks? Mostly
Do you like your body? It's getting there. I'm on the best diet in the world.
Describe yourself.
Length of hair? short
Color of hair? brown and blonde, soon to be red
Color of eyes? brooooown
Height? 5'2"
Are you athletic? hells no
Are you healthy? i'm trying
What emotion do you hide? ohhhh... the bad ones. on a daily basis these days.
Do you think you’re smart? fuck yes.
Are you religious? spiritual
What is your religion? Margie
Do you believe in “God”? what is "God" anyway? Why is it in quotes?
What do you want to “be” when you “grow up”? again with the fucking quotes. I want to BE a lot of things.
Do you get along well with people? yes
Are you fun? i think so
What makes a “good person” just that? doing good things
How would others describe you? i dunno, let's let them take a crack at it.
How would you describe a “true friend”? loyal, deep, nice, snuggly
Who is your best friend? i have lots. i'm lucky.
How did you meet? all sorts of ways! Mostly randomly
Ever meet anyone who was just like you? Yes, my Julie
How do your friends help you to be more yourself? Taking me out of my little cave these days
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? No
If so, describe him or her. When i buy a Dyson, the Dyson will be my biff.
What qualities do you look for in a significant other? not looking at the moment.
Ever crush on someone who only liked you as a friend? I don't know. probably.
Ever have someone crush on you and you only liked them as a friend? yes.
In a relationship…
What makes you jealous? not much.
What makes you angry? breaking up with me? owing me a shit-ton of money? fucking up my guitar? pick one.
What makes you happy? stability. which apparently doesn't exist.
What hurts your feelings? all of those things and more
What makes you love them more? paying me back. shithead.
What have you learned about love? OH GOD everything. pretty much don't trust men with anything you own.
Describe your first relationship. describe the word "first" for me then? High school? Otherwise?
What benefits come from being single? You get to keep yourself and you things and your heart. If you give those things away, you might never get them back.
What benefits come from being with someone? drawing a blank at the moment.
What siblings do you have? i dunno. my answer changes everyday.
Are you a first, last, middle or only child? only, middle, first. All of those.
If you could change this, how would it be different? I wouldn't. Except the "only" part.
Do you get along with your siblings? Depends on if they're being fucking stupid or not.
What do you like best about your brother(s)? Um... i don't really know him. he's 12 or something like that. maybe 10. he likes to draw.
What do you like best about your sister(s)? Everything. Pam's laugh and kisses, Debbie's sarcasm and snuggles, Julie's everything. That other one? Caty or Catie or something? i don't really like anything about her.
What do you like best about being an only child? Privacy
Have you ever been embarrassed by family? um, YES
Do/did your parent(s) try to make you think like them? Hello? Sister Anne Crail?
Tough shit.
What difficult experiences have you been through? This will be answered in the form of a novel at a later date. Check back in 10 years.
Has anyone close to you died? yes
How did you find out? well, lots of people have died. it usually involves a phone call.
Did you get to say good-bye? Not ever.
Have you known anyone your age die? Yes
Have you ever been really sick? No
Has anyone close to you ever been really sick? Yes
Do you have a drug problem? No.
Do you have a drinking problem? ::throws drink over head:: Haha. No, i rarely get drunk.
Are your parents divorced? No
Are/were your parents fighting constantly? Nope.
Do you let yourself feel emotional pain or make it go away? Um, depends on the situation
Do you believe pain makes us grow? hell yes.
How do you feel when you see a homeless person? depends on the person and what their sign says.
Have you ever witnessed extreme suffering? yes
Do you ever wonder why there is so much suffering? no.
What kinds of things cause you pain? what kind of pain? Why so vague? Um, well hurtful things and tree branches. That's the scope of that problem.
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made? Oh Jesus i don't know.
Have you ever thought about suicide? Who hasn't?
What advice would you give to someone who is suicidal? I'm not answering this because people might think i'm mean.
Learning lessons.
Do you think people learn from their mistakes? No. People are inherently retarded.
Do you think people can learn the “easy way”? Goddamn these quotes!
Have you ever learned the “easy way”? i guess?
Have you ever learned the “hard way”? definitely
What is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned? don't trust people. at all. i've learned it a variety of ways over the past.... um.... 3 years.
Do you believe things happen for a reason? absolutely.
Have you learned that nobody is perfect? yes. except me. ;)
What imperfections about yourself do you accept? lots
Do you try to look at both sides of a situation? always
Follow your dreams.
“Follow your bliss.”
What does this quote mean to you? um... you're stupid.
What is your bliss? chocolate. friends. shopping.
Do you have a dream? maybe if i could sleep.
What is your number-one goal? wholeness
“Do what you love and the money will follow." True? hell no. Do what you DON'T love if you're creative, and the money will follow.
If your dream was guaranteed to happen, what would it be? i don't know.
Would you answer differently if the guarantee wasn’t there? what?
Do you believe in yourself? yes. and i believe in others who don't believe in themselves
Growing up.
How old are you? 21
How old do you feel? 987329485
What do you think is the perfect age? there is none
How old do you think people should be before they…
Get a job: 16
Cook for themselves: 2
Set their own bedtimes: 13
Go away with their friends: 15 if parents are there
Do their own laundry: 3
Have a boyfriend or girlfriend: 16
Date: 16
Kiss: 14
Stay out past midnight: 16
Stay out as late as they want: 18
Have their own phone: 15
Drive: 16
Travel alone: 20
Drink: 18
Go to clubs: 18
Get married: 89
Have children: 32o4i
Vote: 18
Go out by themselves: 18
At what age do you think a person is mature? depends on the person.
Do you think maturity is a good thing? definitely
Do you think all adults are mature? no.
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster? you would think so... but apparently not
What IS “grown up”? motivation
Are/were you scared or excited about growing up? i don't know where i am in the whole "growing up" thing
Do you think of yourself as grown up? i have no idea. more than SOME.
Do you want to be considered grown up? i don't know
What do you think is the secret to happiness? self preservation
What kind of toothpaste do you use? arm and hammar brilliant sparkle
Do you always brush your teeth before visiting a dentist? i always brush my teeth before EVERYTHING
How many cavities do/did you have? like 2
Ever wear braces or a retainer? only ALWAYS
How often do you shower? often. i like water. i'm a water sign.
Do you prefer any shampoo brand? i prefer the cheap one, my hairdresser does not.
What is the weirdest band name you know of? lots of them.
What are your favorite dog breeds? ALL OF THEM!
Who was your childhood best friend? Megglesworth
Are you still friends with them today? Hell yeah. I love my bestestestest. I wish i could see her everyday.
How many computers are in your home? 3
Do you write with your left or right hand? righty
Do you take any vitamins? no
How many doors are in your home? you seriously want me to count them? no.
How many windows are there? same.
Do you have a collection of change somewhere? only everywhere.
Would you go to jail for a good cause? yes
Do you own a bookshelf? yes
Are there any objects hanging from your room ceiling? just a fan. nothing kinky.
Are you okay with getting your blood drawn? HELL NO. fuck that.
How about getting shots? no
Do you like getting your picture taken? yes
Abortion? don't get me started
Birth control pill? it's annoying
Casual sex? no thank you! I'm not a whore.
Illegal immigration? that's a very complex issue, but i tend to be somewhat sympathetic
Death sentence? again, loaded
Afterlife? yes please. we were discussing this last night. i'm gonna be a kickass ghost.
Ghosts? I'm sorry if i scared you guys with my stories! <3 if you know me, you know that ghosts exist
Legalizing marijuana? i won't change the fact that i don't like it
Gun control? yes
Pornography? stupid. get a life.
UFO conspiracy? the truth is out there
Natural VS. Artificial medicine? make me better, what the fuck do i care?
War in Middle East? i stopped at the first word. the answer is ALWAYS no.