*winces* See, I told you I'm bad at memes. I will continue to answer these questions in January though, never fear! ;)
Your ideal cast for a book or game you thought desperately needed making into a film...
I honestly do not know who I would cast for this (but suggestions would be grand!) but I've always wanted to have
Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander made into a movie. It would probably be best as an animated movie? I don't even know who to cast though! I've just always thought that it could be a fantastic experience as a movie.
If I were being very naughty (because it is really too explicit for the cinema) I'd love to see what a director/producer would do with the
Black Jewels series just because I'd like to see all the choices they would have to make to cut that down. That has been one of my guilty pleasure series ever since a girlfriend first handed them to me ages and ages ago. (Same girlfriend also hooked me on
VC Andrews, dang it.)
Apropos of nothing, I've also always wanted a sequel or a book or something (some one writing a novel for Yuletide maybe) going into depth on the movie
Willow. I just want WAY MORE WORLD BUILDING is that too much to ask? I like the movie well enough and wore the tape out, but I've never been satisfied with what is there.