I've spent the last couple of days getting progressively sicker, ugh, and now have a full blown head cold + cough. Not terrible though, I am taking care of myself, but still. blah.
I also spend one day with the shakes because I commented over at the mental health thread (anon) and just freaked out over actually telling someone what is up. I knew that I needed to though, and after I worked past the anxiety, I've felt better mentally than I have done in a while. \o/
Because I felt good, I managed to finish up my art work for the
sshg-promptfest and now just need to scan it in, and I did more editing on podfic :D Now I just need AT&T to have a strong enough signal to upload it, haha, but there were more trucks around the box today, so yeah. Who knows when they'll have patched it long enough? Might just have to pop down to the coffee shop and use their internet.
Here's hoping that this good feeling will stay long enough for me to work up the courage to post the finished pieces I'm sitting on. *sigh*
Also, because I can't possibly record for the next couple of days, there's still time to stick poems on the
Poem Post! ^u^