Oct 21, 2012 16:20
Today's version of my occasional headache isn't too bad so I've been playing catch up. I managed to almost completely finish my Deeply Horrible submissions today. One of them (the one I've actually drawn) looks very... inexpert, but it does do want I want it to even if very clumsily. *sigh*
The other one has gone in a slightly different direction and now includes a written bit. Can I get a beta? No familiarity with Snape (besides the fact that he's a rude scholastic douche) necessary and because I made up all the potions with help from pop culture, no Harry Potter canon necessary either. I just really need someone to look over this memoir/non-fiction esque passage and edit it for SPAG and does this say what I want it to say effectively? And to tell me if it's douche-y enough ^u^
I think I've conquered audacity by reinstalling it and I will find out after I listen to the recordings of today's readings. *crosses fingers* I really need to get tons of things finished; I have no patience for shenanigans right now. I can only record with the bf asleep so I have limited free time and need to use it effectively. :(
I am two days away from the next cotton candy update and I want to be able to update with more stuff, you know?
[edit said passage is 547 words, please someone?]
waiting for your weigh in,
cotton candy bingo 2012,
harry potter,