Jun 28, 2006 15:54
Clearly, I've been updating sporadically but I want to start updating regularly. If you see me on and I haven't updated in a few days, smack me and make me do so.
As for what has been going on in the past few days.... not much. I had to miss Hal Sparks at Caroline's to go to my cousin's graduation party. That sucked.
I saw Amanda yesterday for the first time since December. I did some earrrrrrly birthday/christmas shopping. Things just kind of clicked back into place like they were before Marist. It's that way with all of the people I still associate with from Kearney. I can just jump into Liz or Kristen's car or talk to Ashley like it's nothing.
This entry is boring.
I have orientation for Operation FUN tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. Absolutely riveting, I know. It's not that I'm not looking forward to working there because I like working there.... but the whole five-hours-a-day-in-the-sun-chasing-balls-and-the-handicapped...? Somewhat less than exciting.
operation fun