It turns out I do love material things after all!

Sep 13, 2005 12:44

I don't usually like having nice things, and especially nice things with sentimental value, because something terrible inevitably happens to them. Like the gold teacup given to me by a certain ex-boyfriend that my mother accidently knocked over and broke, or the earrings I inherited from my oma (the only thing I inherited from her) which I forgot to take off in the swimming pool and lost.

Have you ever played that game where you decide what you would take with you if your house was burning down and you could only take one thing? I used think I'd take my wallet. I'd rather lose a few photographs or whatever than have to go to the trouble of getting a new driver's liscence, bank card, hbc rewards card, etc.

However, I just bought a new computer, the most expensive thing I've ever purchaced. One of only three things in my whole life (save for tuition) that cost me over two hundred dollars, the others being:

1)A train ticket from Vienna to London, 3500 austrian shillings (like, 350 dollars). I later found out it would have cost half that to fly, but one doesn't care about such things when one is trying to skip the country before one's employers notice one is gone.

2)A camera, $250, given away when I realised I hadn't taken a photo in two years, and didn't plan to take a photo, and shouldn't need to take a photo as I'm going to lose them all in the house fire.

But now I worry that in my rush to evacuate, and especially because I can never remember where I left my wallet, I just might take Horatio Toshiba-LaPtop. You can't leave behind something that has a name like that.* Or something that contains all my soft-rock favourites AND the four limericks I wrote last night AND has penguin themed wallpaper.

This is a very large step in the wrong direction. I can't imagine I'll realise my dream of being a tramp (the other kind of tramp, fool), hopping trains with a notebook computer tucked under my arm.

*My dear kitten Scrumptious doesn't count as a thing, does he? I'd save him first, I guess. He kind of doddles too much to save himself.
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