this post will be mostly otr partially about theings that I think are underraited

Aug 23, 2005 20:05

1)Being drunk alone. I dont' really maen drinking alone, but rather 9for one example) going out to dinner with ones parentxs and drinking and d.king ( but somehow boot of beer not so mcuh)and then having them ditch you for a mocie film possilbe with Bill murray. I hatde moveir, but loike billy murray so that willd be a fututre days rant.
Sample Dinner Conversation?:
Daddy:" but, with all those escargotgo go that we susesd used to feed him and his educatin and all,, that martin sure turned out to be a pretentious son of a bitch!
Mummy: Hey!
It ws good natured, Mart-dogdawg. GD NATIRED! Your family is not mad at u! We heart U! YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.

2)Drunken livejoutrn d posts. i love reading and making them.

I seem to be loseing a lot ocf pals not to my own offenisiveness, but rather ti other cities. Pleasue don't go Caitlign. i will cry Please dont' go michjelly. you are leaving as i write theos Pkeast don't goo Gabrielle. A tea oparty! Plesue don't go againe Alanna snd K-Man. Pleasie not be such a jerk Shtoyer. i know it's popular for going for greener pastures or whasteverm, but I also have noticed a disturbin g trend of jrks calling Victoria not so much fun.

Fuck you anyone who says that Victoria is not cfu n FUN! This city is always the mopst fun if youre the most fun! its beautiful and pleasant and rife with possibility. If you cant have enjoy yourself in victoria you are either so sutpid or dead inside.

Moreoverm, I'm especially angtry at jerks who move here from other horrible towns ior caves and then talk about how lame things are. Some of us are from here and i think maybe only we can badmouth this coty city but we wouldn't because we'd be badmouthing a tiny piece of our own sleves. Some opf us are stuck with it.

4) in conclusion, i love my parents (even though thats so gay or whatever) and dinking and livejourna i guess and vicrotia and noe i'm due at caitlind for tea, and i mioght never see her again and i'll cry and cry, but hopefully become more coheralnt and less typo-ridden on the wald over there.

Comments, please. i can clear any and all confustion up so well that it sint' even funny.
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