saturday my aunt picked me up and took me shopping. then had lunch. panda express < chicken rocks my socks. my aunt found a hair in her food so she went up there and started a scene with subway. so thrilling to, AND almost got into an accident cus she yells at everyone on the road..."asshole!", "dumbshit!!", "did you see that fuckface cut me off?!", she even got out of the car and told some guy off when he "stole" her parking space...can you say road rage. so then came back home and my mother and i went off to buy my olp uniform. ronni was there but was at trophy's having lunch at the time. i didn't get to see her.=( tonight was the incubus concert, GOSH darn. i was going to go, as was previously planned. but things change. tomorrow i have to go to targetto and mission valley and random places with my mother. tuesday is orientation, oh delight. at least i get to see people i know and Shelli is gonna be there also, cheering for us yey. =] wednesday katie's coming over and were going to UTC and/or FASHION to shop. either on wednesday or thursday.
tonight, i drew lovely drawings of jim morrison, john lennon, jimi hendrix, and still working on my sid vicious. ;] i'll post them when i get the chance.
What does your name mean? Likes to fuck.
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? 21
Describe yourself in 5 words: kickass, gorgeous, kickass-gorgeous, horny
What are your worst qualities: paranoia, obsessive-compulsive. shut up, i'm working on it.
What are your best qualities: love and empathy.
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: including shower...1 hour. discluding shower...20 minutes.
Do you dream at night? Yes.
Do you remember your dreams? Yes.
Describe one. Me + Chad Michael Murray - clothes = i'll let you do the math.
What time do you go to bed usually? school days...10. non-school days...12-1:30.
What time do you wake up normally? for school...5:45.
What time do you wake on weekends? 11ish.
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? annoying.
do you sleep with one pillow or two? two.
Do you like school? is that a joke.
Why/why not? teachers bite. classes bore me.
Whats ur fave subject? literature, drama
Most hated subject? math and science
Do you have a fave teacher? no
Ever had a crush ona teacher? no
Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? english/drama
Do you have heaps of friends? no
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? girls. as a result of an all girls school.
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? of course
Have you ever lied to a friend? yes
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? ahahah. bitchass.
Do you like your parents? no
Ever run away from home? yeah
Ever thought about it? yeah
Do you have any siblings? yeah
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? of course. but i know i love them deep down inside.
How old are they? umm, 10? 11?
If not, do you mind being an only child? i don't want to be.
Do you feel your parents spoil you? yeah
Do you not get along with any of your family? yeah...we always argue.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? yeah
Ever had sex? with myself? yes! and in dreams.
believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? no
Believe in casual sex? im not against it
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? shhh.
Did you regret it? n/a
Do you have a religion? yeah
Do you practice it i.e go to church? i try
Do you believe in God? yeah
Jesus? yeah
Satan? yeah
Heaven? no
Hell? no
If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you? my body will be placed in a coffin, and buried 6 feet underground.
Have you ever been drunk? not so much that i puked all over the place and passed out
taken drugs? no
stolen? yeah
shoplifted? yeah
tried to commit suicide? huhh..
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? yeah.
gotten into a fight? yeah
are you more innocent or guilty? innocent
Would you date a drug addict? who cares
have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? my uncle
Are you racist? no
Are you discriminatory to anyone? no
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? i think everyone has.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? open
Do you watch tons of tv? no
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? 6 months? about 50 million, haha.
Do you listne to the radio often? i guess you could say
Do you read the newspaper? only the pivotal sections...oh, and cartoon strips.
Do you read magazines? yeah
Are you a couch potato? no
Do you use the internet too much? stopped that a while ago.
Whats your fave style of music? rock
Do you play an instrument? guitar
Do you sing? heh..
Whos your fave band(s)? red hot chili peppers, the doors
Why? hearing their music makes my blood rush
Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year. haven't.
Why did you buy them? n/a
Are you funny or serious? depends
Creative or not? yes
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? lateral
Are you outgoing or shy? shy
Are you lazy or active? lazy
Have you ever been hyperactive? yeah
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? no
Are you happy with the way you look? yeah
What would you change? nothing
Do you wear makeup regularly? not everywhere
Do you have a large wardrobe? compared to other girls my age, no
Do you have a job? yeah - my aunt's restaurant
Do you like it? i guess i could do better
Are you a saver or a spender? spender.but i save some of it. at least i have self-control, unlike others.
Do you work hard or slack off? work hard. but slack off when i don't give a shit anymore
Have you ever been fired? no
In trouble at work? i accidently got carried away talking to someone =]
Made a major mistake? yeah
Ever had money stolen from you? unfortunately, yes. assholes.
Are you always broke? no
---» Attraction
Are you a flirtatious person? I think.
Physically, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex? Body.
Personality-wise, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex? non-assholeness and Funny yet sensitive.<3
Is their social status important? no.
Does it matter if they are involved in activities like sports or music? well, he has to be up and going and not just a lazyass.
Have you ever gotten butterflies because you liked someone so much? definitely.
---» First Date
For a first date, would you rather go out alone or out with friends? with friends, so we could get comfortable around each other, then escalate from there.
Go to a place where you can talk or go to a place where you can have fun? both.
To you, is feeling a ‘connection’ important on the first date? no. not really. i mean, it's the first date. that's when you decide if you're boyfriend/girlfriend material or just friends.
What is one place you wouldn’t want to go to for a first date? the movies. you don't really get a chance to talk, but maybe after. and then some. ;]
Have you ever been on a blind date? nah.
Do you kiss on the first date? depends on if i really like the person.
---» Love
Have you ever been in love? Yes.
How do you know if you’re in love? It's pretty indescribable. You feel something you never felt with anyone else. something like...everytime you see, hear, and touch this certain person, you get butterflies.
Have you told someone that you loved them when you really didn’t? Oh, never.
Is having love in your life important? Yeah. but it doesn't matter what kind of love, as long as it's love.
Do you think you are or will be good at expressing love? I try.
Do you think it’s true that we all have one soulmate in our life? I do.
---» Upsets
Have you ever liked/loved someone and never had that feeling returned? Haven't we all. :\ It sucks.
Have you ever asked the opposite sex out and been turned down? No.
Have you ever been set up as a joke? Not that I know of..
Have you ever dated someone because you felt bad about turning them down? No.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yep.