I'm pooped and back to work today!
The kidlet turned the big O-N-E last week and my mom came into town, and then my in-laws came into town (which was crazy and last minute since it was move-in weekend on campus and finding a motel would be brutal! They had to stay an hour away on their second night and couldn't stay the whole weekend.)
We also had some big moves this week! On my mom's last day here, we moved the crib finally into the office...and after his 12 month appointment yesterday were duly informed that nighttime bottles should have ended (the DH is a big softy and we both had to be on the same page for it to work!)
Looks like the kidlet is now at 50% percentile in height (probably the MOST accurate measurement we've taken at the doctors..so the past ones could be inflated) and 50% in weight (which is much better than the last bunch of times!)
Our doc this time didn't mention any of this and we defintely didn't like him or how rough he was with the kidlet...just one more pediatrician to mark off the list at our group!
Anyway...for a 12 month old he still looks pretty lean and toddler-y... he looks a lot bigger than the other kids in his birth month...though it looks like most of them are walking! Ah well.. at least he's interested in walking again... once he got his crawl down, he just wasn't interested anymore! Now the cruising and walking toys have caught his eye and sooooo we wait to see how he feels about that walking stuff!
I made two cakes, a tiny one for him and a big one-- chocolate cake with super tasty chocolate frosting. He took a tiny taste on his index finger and cried :(
I think is was the yummiest cake I've ever made..and I'm not a frosting person either! He
ANYWAY... so the crib move, the lessening bottles (at least the meanie doc gave us some options to cut out nighttime bottles... smaller bottles that decrease, then just water bottles after a while) a PILE of shots and the transition into the toddler room at daycare. Time for him to stop crawling over the tiny babies and into the room with the walkers and bigger babies! Some of them look like BRUISERS! There are only 12 to 24 months in that room..but the difference is just GIGANTIC! *shiver*
I'm sure I'll get over it.... :)