(no subject)

Jun 19, 2006 21:13

A year or so ago, Stefan O'Reiley asked us if we would consider being two halves of the next Baronial Seneschal. We talked it over, and thought about it, and decided to go ahead and say yes, we would be willing to do that. Chow handles people very well, and is good at running meetings and motivating people. I am good at the behind-the-scenes stuff - making sure reports get turned in (at all, let alone on time), getting email answered, keeping track of where we should be when, keeping it legal, and so on. Stefan said that he knew we were a "package deal" and that while Chow would be Seneschal in name, "they" (or "everyone", if you prefer) would know that I was doing quite a bit of the work. So we've been going on with this plan in mind, thinking that sometime soon, maybe at MSTT, but certainly by Cattle Raids, Stefan and Chow would get up in court and switch offices. We have made plans to go to Seneschals' and Exchequers' Symposium, even finding a relative who will keep Nate overnight so we wouldn't have to break our necks getting there and back, or struggle with a bored almost-three-year-old.
Yesterday evening, said relative was called for Father's Day, and we were told that he has a bad case of the flu, and that they would not be able to take Nate this weekend. So this morning, I emailed both of my other local relatives, and the different baronial and canton lists that I'm on, to see if anyone would be willing/interested in taking care of Nate for the weekend/saturday. I had a bit of a pause over the wording of the email to the group lists, but my main focus was in finding someone to take care of my child so that I would still be able to go to this symposium. So I said "Chow and I are going to be your next baronial seneschal", since if I had just said that Chow was going to be the next seneschal, people would ask "Why bother? If only he needs to go, why doesn't she stay with the kid?"
This twisted some peoples' panties in a wad, apparently. I'm volunteering to help, I've been asked to help out with a difficult office, and I'm trying my darndest to cope with the sudden collapse of my childcare setup, and people get so annoyed with my wording that they email my husband's peer and complain to him. Listen up, people - Nikulai is not my peer! He's my friend, he's my husband's peer, but he is not my peer! *I* got *him* into the SCA - we were friends before he ever joined. It would be too weird for us to be in a peer-protoge' relationship, so we're not.
If you have a problem with something I've said, tell ME, not Nikulai, not Valdemar, or Fern, or Nia, or Girard, or any other person. I do not have a peer. I doubt at this point that I'll ever have one, for all sorts of reasons. I don't particularly want a peer.
I am -> <- this close to dropping out of the SCA entirely, and I came very close to walking away from the K'berg meeting tonight. I am fairly certain that I don't want to go to the symposium this weekend, and I don't want to go to to Baronial Champions, Cattle Raids, Crusades, Pas' d'Armes, 12th Night, Ymir, or anything else.
I am sick unto death of the "secret" culture that is so prevalent. It goes hand in hand with the "telepathy" culture that just drives me up the wall - telepathy as in "You figure out what I'm thinking, but I'm not going to tell you. And I get to be mad at you if you get it wrong!" Secret as in "So-and-so said this or that about him or her" or "there was this discussion about you and I can't tell you who participated in it but you'd better do what they say, but they don't want you to know who they are." Both of these mindsets are things I had to deal with on a daily basis growing up, and on a regular basis at work, and I'm fighting against them there. I figure I might as well make a clean sweep, and fight against them in the SCA, too.
So, whoever it was who pitched an unspecified fit about my wording when I was trying to fix a problem I had, bite me. You can just get over it. I'll go play elsewhere. I've about had enough of you people.

sca politics

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