phone madness...
The other day I was talking about getting a spiffy new phone. I've decided to wait for the
Pre, since the touch-screen keyboard on the iPhone I tried the other day drove me up the wall. I was worried about the contract expiring and rolling over, so
skippyclese suggested seeing if I could go month-to-month on the contract since the Pre isn't out yet. So I tried to log in to their website. I thought I remembered the username and password, so I tried logging in.
It didn't work. No error message or anything, it just returned to the login prompt.
So I figured I had misremembered either the username or the password, and I clicked on 'Forgot Username'. It asked me for my email address, which I entered.
It told me that that email address wasn't in the system.
I triple-checked it, and entered it again.
Same result.
So I called them.
Their automated attendant couldn't understand when I asked for Customer Service like it suggested I do, so it sent me to one anyway.
Then the CSR asked me to confirm my username, so I gave her the one I had used the first time, and she told me that was right.
THEN, she asked me for my password.
Over the phone!!
I read her a bit of a riot act about password security which she didn't understand at ALL, then caved and gave her the password...
She told me, after I had given her my password, that their website was down currently and I should be able to log in tomorrow.
so yes, ok, I renewed the contract for a month, but after that, I'm out of there.